Visual, witty, and so true! "9 dangerous things you were taught in school" from Forbes.

9:14am May 4th 2012 via HootSuite

Remarkable rebuttal to the entire Amy Chua 'Tiger Mom' idea by a Korean-American literature and philosophy prof:

6:08pm May 3rd 2012 via HootSuite

My motto for this year: "Exceeding reduced expectations since 2009."

1:02pm May 2nd 2012 via HootSuite

I want one. Or three. RT @talksciencetome: Squee! Best playgrounds ever!

9:15pm May 1st 2012 via HootSuite

A father sees a Star Wars effect on his son. My 4yo loves his lightsaber too. Goodmen Project:

7:55pm May 1st 2012 via HootSuite

Innovation doesn't happen via committees! RT @drbachinsky: Why Innovation Dies: via @sgblank

6:25pm May 1st 2012 via HootSuite

Doing right = rewards! RT @matthewherper: Jim Watson's favorite gene

4:25pm May 1st 2012 via HootSuite

Doing right = own reward. MT @genomicslawyer: Jim Watson on his fav gene.

4:20pm May 1st 2012 via HootSuite

Good find! RT @iGenomics: A nice review on why mRNA levels do not always correlate with protein levels.

2:54pm May 1st 2012 via HootSuite