You’re on the iPad, Charlie Brown! | Techland |
3:18pm July 16th 2012 via Buffer
Nice review from arrays thru RNA-Seq RT @fredebibs: An exon-centric perspective - Biochemistry and Cell Biology
2:17pm July 16th 2012 via Buffer
"Make sure your kid's education is geared toward things that machines aren't very good at" | When Machines Do Your Job
1:12pm July 16th 2012 via Buffer
Profile of Atul Butte, a new model for research? - Digging data for a healthier world | Stanford Medicine Magazine
12:04pm July 16th 2012 via Buffer
Wow! Great illustration. | Magnifying the Universe
11:04am July 16th 2012 via Buffer
New CSO for $PACB, not unexpected. Via MarketWatch
10:20am July 16th 2012 via Buffer
Flavorwire » 10 Wonderful Libraries Repurposed from Unused Structures
9:10am July 16th 2012 via Buffer
The Ion Torrent Proton compared to the Illumina HiSeq 2500: There is a lot of interest in what is the Next Big T...
7:57am July 16th 2012 via twitterfeed
New post: The Ion Torrent Proton compared to the Illumina HiSeq 2500
7:26am July 16th 2012 via Wordpress Yuzuki Tweet posts
RT @rnaworld: MT @digitalbio: @lizabio @RockyRohde Twitter-based science education journal club! #SciTeachJC
7:03am July 16th 2012 via Buffer
900+ invites go out. Hilarity ensues. | Social Networking Takes a Strange Turn
7:03pm July 15th 2012 via Buffer
$200K tickets now available: Virgin Galactic's first space tourism flight will launch next year via Engadget
6:09pm July 15th 2012 via Buffer
As an ex-HS chem teacher, I approve of this message. | Breaking Bad: 4 Seasons in 10 Minutes | SlateV
5:14pm July 15th 2012 via Buffer
RT @ivanoransky: Chilling for whistleblowers: FDA Spied on E-Mails of Its Own Scientists via @charlesornstein
4:06pm July 15th 2012 via Buffer
Twitter goes from 11% to 21%... | Facebook Use At Work Falls, Twitter On The Rise: Report
3:18pm July 15th 2012 via Buffer
9 Top Twitter Tips You Should Start Using Today | B2B Marketing Insider
2:17pm July 15th 2012 via Buffer
RT @moorejh: RT @genetics_blog Aug. 1996 issue of Science: first time computational biology mentioned in Science #ISMB
1:12pm July 15th 2012 via Buffer
RT @tweetsmarter: 20 illuminating facts about Twitter in 2012:
12:04pm July 15th 2012 via Buffer
RT @bengoldacre: Comments on academic journals a mixed bag but this is v bad show from BMC Bioinformatics RT @neilfws:
11:04am July 15th 2012 via Buffer
+1 RT @ctitusbrown: Should we have standard review criteria for bioinformatics in papers? YES! My panel presentation:
10:20am July 15th 2012 via Buffer
Summary of my #NGS tweets (#sequencing) over the past few weeks.
9:10am July 15th 2012 via Buffer
New post: Complete Genomics' Long Fragment Read Technology and Haplotype Phasing
8:07am July 15th 2012 via Buffer
.@vickyyyf The risk of a bad portrait in Rome = at least a fun(ny) story to share later!
7:51am July 15th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to
@vickyyyf I would spend the afternoon in Rome, people watching at Piazza Navona, get a portrait of me and my SO done, sip expresso.
7:38am July 15th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to
RT @berci: Genetic testing raises some vexing ethical questions
7:03am July 15th 2012 via Buffer
RT @pgorg: A Public Resource Facilitating Clinical Use of Genomes #PGorg #genome #ngs
4:54pm July 14th 2012 via HootSuite
Ahead of the learning curve | Harvard Gazette
11:04am July 14th 2012 via Buffer
@ddlow @GholsonLyon At 1536 it is still 'only' 4 samples per plate & limited liquid handling options. But 250Gb of data/sample, so low t
10:51am July 14th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to
@gholsonlyon At 1 sample / 384-well plate there are handling limits, but much more scalable than before. Long waits are very common, I hear.
10:44am July 14th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to
@GholsonLyon Should have been clearer - puzzled that they would include that in the journal article, seems strange to see it there.
10:11am July 14th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to
Complete Genomics’ Long Fragment Read Technology and Haplotype Phasing: This week a remarkable paper was publish...
10:09am July 14th 2012 via twitterfeed
New post: Complete Genomics' Long Fragment Read Technology and Haplotype Phasing
9:55am July 14th 2012 via Wordpress Yuzuki Tweet posts
How To Use Reeder and Buffer for smarter reading and sharing | The Buffer blog
8:07am July 14th 2012 via Buffer
RT @digitalbio: PLoS ONE: Limitations of the Human Reference Genome for Personalized Genomics
7:39am July 14th 2012 via HootSuite
RT @genomebc: RT @scienceworldca: Need something to do this weekend? Why not try a family science night?
5:50pm July 13th 2012 via HootSuite
RT @FakeScience: By analyzing your own DNA you can discover important traits about yourself, like how vain you are.
5:14pm July 13th 2012 via Buffer
MT @gabeinformatics: Watched Complete Genomic's LFR/phased genomes from 10 cells, bland presentation. Claim 300kbp to 1Mbp frags soon!
9:10am July 13th 2012 via Buffer
Love the interaction! / Vending Machine Reveals Depths to Which People Will Sink for Free Snacks | Adweek
8:07am July 13th 2012 via Buffer
Analyst cautious RT @clinseqnews: Complete Aims for Clinical Market as it Readies its WG Haplotyping Tech for Launch
7:03am July 13th 2012 via Buffer
@ddlow I didn't catch it, did they actually promise 500kb and 1Mb inserts in the future? That's wild, and great for research. Awesome.
10:53pm July 12th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to
@ddlow I was just kidding when I referred to HLCS, sorry about any confusion. (I.e. HLCS is a co. whose only value is in their I.P.)
10:46pm July 12th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to
@ddlow No, not HLCS, just referring to an optimization and tweak of the standard protocol, some additive or something not spelled out.
10:45pm July 12th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to
@ddlow Strange since they use 'modified phi29' and refer to a 2002 paper, and MDA will produce uneven coverage. There must be special sauce!
10:38pm July 12th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to
@ddlow From main paper: "Analysis of the mapped LFR data shows two distinct characteristics attributable to MDA" but no mention of pileups.
10:36pm July 12th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to
@ddlow Page 15 of the Supplement has indications of higher cell # needed for better phasing.
10:31pm July 12th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to
@ddlow Yes, but the details often left in the Supplemental materials.
10:28pm July 12th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to
@ddlow You can't get something for nothing, there is a price. WRT 'pileups' I refer to existing literature using WGA for NGS.
10:27pm July 12th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to
@ddlow ...produced coverage maps, discussed how they determined accuracy, and revealed how much seq. they had to do to get it.
@ddlow No defensiveness here. WRT subsection of the paper, didn't read it far enough yesterday (and bogged down today) to see if they ...
10:26pm July 12th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to
@ddlow @MrStemCell Supplement will reveal. 1: the 'pileup' problem of WGA's inherent bias, making seq less efficient. 2: how the acc. >10
10:12pm July 12th 2012 via HootSuite in reply to