RT @GeneticsMBBS: http://t.co/kyVt297FKa I recommend this book to postgraduate students of genetic epidemiology and genetic medicine.
7:20pm April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to
RT @DrKhouryCDC: #Bioinformatics: 25y of integrating the biological sciences @moorejh Pres. Lecture #Genomics #pm101 https://t.co/N47ziOFZ0r
6:20pm April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to
RT @GeneticsMBBS: http://t.co/ZretLLz7HH This is a great website for high school teachers preparing for #DNAday
5:20pm April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to
RT @Jisc: Have big university lectures gone out of fashion? http://t.co/o64WLnX4uU (via @guardian) #edtech @GeneticsMBBS
4:20pm April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite
.@artologica How about the term 'null'? Or 'hull', 'lull' or even 'cull'...
3:38pm April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to
New post: Dana Pe'er, Garry Noland and single-cell proteomics at #AACR14 http://t.co/C19y24ngyr
3:20pm April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite
Must-see RT @laurahercher: @carlzimmer takes you inside the crowded, jittery interior of the cell: http://t.co/WM9m5aHAuJ COOL BEANS.
2:20pm April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to
Classic. RT @JustinWolfers: I blame Whole Foods for rising rates of autism. http://t.co/3BS8HXlRFx
1:20pm April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to
RT @mikecapaldi: @US_FDA Commissioner says that pt groups are really starting to shape the product dev. process and galvanize it. #PhRMA14
12:20pm April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to
Post Edited: Dana Pe'er, Garry Noland and single-cell proteomics at AACR http://t.co/zo8P6TSj3E
11:46am April 10th 2014 via Wordpress Yuzuki Tweet posts
New post: Dana Pe'er, Garry Noland and single-cell proteomics at AACR http://t.co/SW60c0o9LP
RT @SNStudents: New image from the VLT in Chile shows what resembles a diamond ring in space: http://t.co/kWhidnnqCl http://t.co/BzhJfKEWtX
11:20am April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to
RT @Harvard: Faculty, students and staff answer the question: “I would like to use social media to …” http://t.co/EgEnCEFyj1
10:20am April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to
RT @AbandonedPics: Abandoned library outside of Moscow, Russia http://t.co/DWEGfJZQKR
9:20am April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to
RT @noahWG: Proportion of non-tenure-track & non-tenured faculty posts still rising across all US institutions: http://t.co/ExFfNlSwOE
8:20am April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to
Genomics and PGx mentioned RT @rovybranon: Why The Digital Revolution Is Really Just Getting Started - Forbes http://t.co/0yEj4dloLi
RT @mohamedghilan: The undergraduate science class is designed in a way that gives a false impression for how certain science actually is.
7:20am April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to
A ‘challenger mindset’ RT @RWW: Microsoft’s @SatyaNadella: We Still Do Windows, And You Should Too http://t.co/uvF1JIJ8w1 by @owenthomas
6:20am April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to
RT @mjpchaisson: If it weren’t for the price hikes, @illumina’s monopoly would be a good thing at least for standardization.
5:20am April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to
RT @nathanseligson: Direct-to-Confusion Genomics: who will decipher the data? http://t.co/IpeCAE0zpe | Daily Scan #PersonalizedMedicine
4:20am April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to
The ave. rent in Silicon Valley now $2881. WSJ http://t.co/BfikTXTMWX
3:20am April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite
RT @macworld: AirPlay Recorder might exist in a bit of a gray area, but it's a solid tool that works as promised. http://t.co/Hw8xenHceh
2:20am April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite
RT @NatureNews: Bees in peril in the EU: "If we don’t get it right now, that’s it.” http://t.co/UvAOXYJEVo http://t.co/K3bRKjZWuQ bb
1:20am April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite
RT @NatureMagazine: The Moon-forming impact with Earth must have occurred at least 40My after Solar System formed http://t.co/ShD6wpiA6M
12:20am April 10th 2014 via Hootsuite
RT @NCIExhibits: View available webcasts of NCI presenters at #AACR14 by visiting http://t.co/tpIZ4IyNk8.
11:20pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
RT @mathheadinc: Want people to think you’re smarter? Smile more | Washington Post http://t.co/Y7I8AvAwyl #statchat #mathchat
10:20pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
RT @TheEconomist: Scientists have persuaded an organ to regenerate itself inside a living mammal http://t.co/FDnygFOxuC
9:20pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
RT @Harvard: Watch the world's first programmable, mechanical computer come to life [video] http://t.co/6jK9Zmjngy
8:20pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
RT @AppliedBio: Download PDFs of all our posters from #AACR14 right here: http://t.co/gqkVWGlSCb
7:20pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
10 common presentation mistakes | Mind Tools http://t.co/fw20yKGMsP
6:20pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
RT @HealthStandards: Fourth HIPAA breach for Kaiser was due to malicious software >> http://t.co/eIEJC3Kuy4 via @HITNewsTweet #HITsm
5:20pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
RT @FastCoLead: Do you already have any of these 7 habits of the highly emotionally intelligent? http://t.co/GCQqeLTzSv
4:20pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
Many thanks to all the folks who have participated over Twitter at this year’s #AACR14 - great meeting!
1:03pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
Next: Luis Parada, UT Southwestern Med Ctr. "Where Lies the Heterogeneity in GBM" #AACR14
12:37pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
Ley: Here's the 1979 Testa and Rowley paper with which he started his talk http://t.co/E4gMrxraLN #AACR14
Ley: 'It's not enough to know the mutations - it's the clones in which they reside' #AACR14
12:36pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
Ley: Concluding model - pre-leukemic event. Another hit (cooperating driver mut) making founding clone. 2D with VAF req'd deep seq #AACR14
12:35pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
Ley: Can expand primary AML in vitro; but after expansion SC3 has growth advantage. A cell-intrinsic growth advantage #AACR14
12:29pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
Ley: Charting driver VAFs in BM vs Blood, very similar, pattern holds across 19 samples. Conclude for adult AML periph blood equiv #AACR14
12:27pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
Ley: Recent pub work Klco et al Cancer Cell 2014 http://t.co/do7fpFAzMs most subclones present in ~proportions in marrow, blood #AACR14
12:26pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
Ley: Therapy eliminated subclone (SC) 1, SC2, but SC3 and founders. #AACR14
12:24pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
Ley: Map of tumor VAF and specific mutations (FLT3-ITD, FLT3, IDH1, NPMc, DMNT3A). But 3D - what happens in relapse? #AACR14
Ley: At 300x: 1411 muts validated. Many many more: even 100x exomes still missing a lot: basics but details missing #AACR14
12:21pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
Ley: Looking at 4 different clonal heterogeneity; WGS at 30x depth isn't deep enough. What about 300x? Presenting AML31 work #AACR14
12:20pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
Ley: He showed a figure from this 2012 Nature paper http://t.co/mf0z7cYcqf to J Rowley. "Gosh, you really improved the graphics" #AACR14
12:18pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
Ley: Analyses: 1D = mutations; 2D = muts, clonal hetergeneity (Campbell); 3D clonal evolution #AACR14
12:17pm April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
Visvader: 4w post-induction of neu in early luminal precursors, nice 3D images illustrate cell of origin effect #AACR14
11:58am April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
Visvader: Elf5/mic high grade adenocarcinoma at 4mo; Ky/myc no tumors at 22mo. Tumor type det by 'cell of origin. #AACR14
11:57am April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
Visvader: Using similar approach (K5/Elf5, basal- and luminal-spec): look at oncogene myc involvement #AACR14
11:56am April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite
Visvader: 'Cells of origin': can enable early detection, better prediction of tumor behavior, could lead to new therapies #AACR14
11:55am April 9th 2014 via Hootsuite