RT @talkgenomes: @pknoepfler Paul, #talkgenomes is live till 15 PDT today. Hope you can join us!

12:12pm April 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @GenomeNathan: Welcome all, to #talkgenomes! Today we'll mull the ethics of tinkering with our own genomes, in the sundry ways...

12:12pm April 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

.@drgitlin Perhaps some anti-RR / Bentley bias? Or more likely the case, just lazy writing. :)

12:07pm April 18th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

RT @mashable: The 12 most expensive cars at the New York Auto Show (this one = $2.5 million) http://t.co/7ZLkvrkjo0 http://t.co/7CneyPVNka

11:10am April 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

How to Protect Your Blog Content - Peg Fitzpatrick http://t.co/3UQ0tD2Vgj HT @JohnAguiar

10:10am April 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @guardian: £9,500 worth of gold removed from Indian man's small intestines http://t.co/Yc1nFmnN1N

9:10am April 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

“Alwats alert” for this! RT @aatishb: I think I’ve started to look at life as a series of opportunities for stumbling into blog post ideas.

8:10am April 18th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

RT @DavidGSmithNC: Forbes: Raleigh is No. 1 city for raising a family - Triangle Business Journal http://t.co/87nFvey3N4

6:10am April 18th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

mT @mwilsonsayres: Bill Pearson: WRT teaching #bioinformatics, think long term. “What did I learn... that was useful 15 years later?”

4:10am April 18th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

RT @westr: #Down’s syndrome surprise: Genome-wide expression flattening. Nature http://t.co/hBTHzwEDwA & http://t.co/fVv8hvatFK #genomic

3:10am April 18th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

RT @CDeRede: Microsoft Great Projects Campaign Human #Genome Project [Infographic] http://t.co/yvcFHLpbQe #DNA http://t.co/35hqwiwcuX

2:10am April 18th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

Twitter and #scicomm in Washington DC May 7 530-730pm, with @biochembelle and @sciencegoddess http://t.co/RHp29ZZjpJ

1:10am April 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @KevinADavies: Should the $1000 genome $10M XPRIZE have been cancelled? @geochurch debates @xprize founders. http://t.co/uARLs2YNip

12:10am April 18th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

RT @a_bossers: +1 here! RT @ctitusbrown: Gotta love Illumina spam: “Hi, I’m X! Would you be interested in (cont) http://t.co/bK6ljup0ko

11:10pm April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

RT @DailyNewsGW: Ariosa Dx Q1 Revenues Double, Posts Profit http://t.co/acshxqejUG

10:10pm April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

RT @mashable: Poof! Speakers disappear at Bang & Olufsen's concept store http://t.co/mLEQRviFQr

9:10pm April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

Current topics in Genome Analysis: Introduction to Population Genetics - Lynn Jorde | Genome (NHGRI) YouTube http://t.co/xFEWZaSCP8

8:10pm April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @GeneticsUpdate: Cancer drugs targeted to patient's own genetics to be offered in new NHS trial | Telegraph http://t.co/xBIZ8tFzC3

7:10pm April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

@NBCNews finally catches up to the Elana Simon cancer research story http://t.co/2sZsqBIbqb h/t @drbachinsky:

6:10pm April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

More People Pick Elimination Diets to Discover Food Sensitivities - WSJ http://t.co/zy2Ya8OYbL

5:10pm April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

The Job Decision Matrix: How to make your next big move - GeekWire http://t.co/cEaYl2uovT

4:10pm April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

Anki Drive upgraded RT @GadgetFashion: The World's Smartest Toy Cars Just Got Supercharged | Wired http://t.co/rrNK0e6x0S

4:10pm April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

Experts include Francis Collins RT @DecideByDNA: DNA and insurance, fate & risk: experts debate http://t.co/0dQf2azGVf via @ DailyScan

3:10pm April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

Vancouver’s cheapest house? - Marginal Revolution http://t.co/pDXqXN4dxh

3:10pm April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

.@AntoanetaVlad That NC event was last March 28th, BTW. If you attended I’d be interested in what C Zimmer discussed there.

2:56pm April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

This is Fun. RT @JenLucPiquant: What is Your Disney Myers-Briggs Personality Type? http://t.co/ARkS1k8bdZ

2:10pm April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @washingtonpost: The eastern United States: A lonely cold pocket on a feverish planet http://t.co/1PNKMvHeAr http://t.co/k00GYGMA8O

1:11pm April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @MITSloan: Why engagement isn't enough - MIT Sloan's Alex Pentland talks with @nytimesbits: http://t.co/OkeUJVFZjo

12:10pm April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @Harvard: E.O. Wilson looks back on his life's work, discusses the future of biodiversity on the planet http://t.co/X7vTYoSMyE

11:10am April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @sapinker: Samuel Mehr, Psych grad student @ Harvard: No evidence that music makes you smarter | PSMag http://t.co/4ha2O8X1Vf

10:10am April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @TheAtlantic: Blame the polar vortex for this year's bad allergy season http://t.co/AfAECsP96P

9:10am April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @thinkgenome: Risks of Whole-Genome Sequencing for Children | Stanford Press Release http://t.co/wXGmiumwsy

8:10am April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

E Qualman's 2014 Socialnomics video | YouTube http://t.co/pGdpVLdL8K IMO the 2011 is the classic. http://t.co/umMIznQC05 #socialmedia

7:10am April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @arstechnica: Still going strong: Sony sells more than 7 million PlayStation 4s http://t.co/9N8NVICSx0 by @MeganGeuss

6:10am April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

ICYMI RT @WIRED: Skip the back button: A secret swipe for navigating Safari in iOS 7 http://t.co/L5tldJup1H

5:10am April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @hootsuite: “Because somebody grows up being a social media native, it doesn’t make them an expert.” http://t.co/aDSmh5UCNA

4:10am April 17th 2014 via Hootsuite

Immunotherapies rock the (#AACR14) house | Bioscience Tech http://t.co/YsMjblndox

10:40pm April 16th 2014 via Hootsuite

.@MGKatz036 It belongs to @virginiahughes but it sure does look like a livescribe pen.

9:44pm April 16th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

.@palafo A while back I tried this utility - http://t.co/XRtW5dmOwv - but never got it to work correctly. Will give...

9:42pm April 16th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

RT @virginiahughes: My very small home office is now a very small home office/gym. (Thanks 4 idea, @maggiekb1!) http://t.co/99bcj8WnVT

9:40pm April 16th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

.@MrStemCell My thoughts exactly ~2y ago when I got started on Twitter and a blog simultaneously; very complementary platforms.

9:34pm April 16th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

Look at what 95% believe RT @slashdot: Survey: 56 Percent of US Developers Expect To Become Millionaires http://t.co/9dbpkV0gVV

8:40pm April 16th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

MT @GenomeBC: How is #DNA used for solving mysteries? Dr. @jennifergardy explains Bringing Genomics Home video http://t.co/LrRu599pKO

7:40pm April 16th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @edyong209: 23 awesome chemical reaction GIFs. http://t.co/Qjyn3TRI6S Love the description for #8.

6:40pm April 16th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @BadAstronomer: We may have just witnessed the birth of a new moon of Saturn! http://t.co/APFiDWzjza #YesSeriously

5:40pm April 16th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @cpuguru: Me: "UD is discontinuing our dialup service" - Students: "What's dialup service?" http://t.co/iV5O2izuwu #getoffmylawn

4:40pm April 16th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @nextgenseek: .@illumina’s New v4 Reagent Kits for HiSeq To Enable 1Tb per Run. http://t.co/iEdKeJy8Pb #HiSeq

3:40pm April 16th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @MicroWavesSci: "no organism gets to a point of perfect adaptation, heaves a sigh of genetic relief, and stops." - MZ.

2:40pm April 16th 2014 via Hootsuite