.@ResearchSquid Agreed (changes to #ASMLive). Got to check my mention feed more often!

11:06am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

ASM Live: Association between periodontal disease and pancreatic cancer discovered; started with an SDSU undergraduate #ASM2014

11:03am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: Pancreatic Cancer Oral Microbiome panel session being live-streamed here: http://t.co/KMoCkU9jd9 #ASM2014

11:02am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: Effect of Pancreatic Cancer on the Oral Microbiome. Panelists: Pedro Torres, Scott Kelley, Stanley Maloy, all from SDSU #ASM2014

11:00am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: The Effect of Pancreatic Cancer on the Oral Microbiome. Panelists: Pedro Torres, Scott Kelley, Stanley Maloy, all from SDSU

11:00am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: Difficult to ask these questions w/o advent of deep sequencing. "Hard to argue against that data" #ASM2014

10:34am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

Albers: Don't want a rush to treatment; how to inform and educate. Ethnic differences? Not done yet; but in vaginal microbiome yes #ASM2014

10:33am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: Martin Blaser's new book recommended (Amazon) for everyone interested in this topic http://t.co/N1e0hmEjp6 #ASM2014

10:31am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: Males not as freq UTI but they do get STD's. Source of indol in a male? In male urethra: P. acnes, an indol-producer #ASM2014

10:30am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: What about males? Lack of UTI? Others are working with males, some similarities; not as frequent w/ males. #ASM2014

10:29am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: Is there a role for microflora transplant? Under discussion with women with chronic UTI. Need to characterize it further #ASM2014

10:27am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: History of 10^5 cfu/mL; when 10^2 was proposed 'it was shouted down'. But deep sequencing backed up the number #ASM2014

10:26am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: What about asymptomatic situations? No grant funding (yet). Existing dogma affects funding priorities. #ASM2014

10:25am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: E. coli was <1%; 50% aerococcus spp. And conclusion was completely wrong. 'We have to reassess everything' #ASM2014

10:23am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: And this 'A-list' was not previously reported - b/c it doesn't culture in MacConkey in aerobic conditions in 24h #ASM2014

10:23am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: Different sites are consistent via sequencing, but no culture data yet. Biggest surprise: 'The A list' - high freq spp. #ASM2014

10:22am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: Other flora from vagina / cervix; also other organisms (fungi)? Not tested for fungi. 25-50% are lactobacillus dominant #ASM2014

10:20am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: 'Clinicians are generally distraught' - no dogma to replace it with. #ASM2014

10:20am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: Numbers of cfu vary from 10^5 down to 10^2 depending on time of day; 'we basically have to relearn everything about UT' #ASM2014

10:19am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: Superpubic aspirate - from lower abdomen - sequenced bacteria (all from women); match prior work from catheter #ASM2014

10:18am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: Main Q - what bacteria are associated with the tissue? Culturing shed urothelial cells, identify bacteria from that #ASM2014

10:16am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: Urine is a poor growth media; how many organisms? Expanded technique is 300cfu. Idea is artificial urine media #ASM2014

10:15am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: 100x the urine sampled; different medias; aerobic 5% CO2 and anaerobic for 48h instead of std 24h #ASM2014

10:14am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: How to test cause/effect? Have a large collection; plan to have a bank of organisms for further study #ASM2014

10:13am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @triciav83: Can we start a public shaming campaign for people who take pics of slides/posters? #asm2014

10:12am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: Similar to C. difficile story: can be protective; disbiotic makes susceptibility for UTI reoccurance. #ASM2014

10:12am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: Believe that that 25% aren't necessarily negative for bacteria. "Probably everyone has bacteria in their bladder" #ASM2014

10:10am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: 'Does everyone have a bladder microbiome?' Low #'s; finding 40% - 80% PCR and seq positive. Only 25% with no evidence #ASM2014

10:10am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: 'Could be a good thing': what's the natural fn? Effect of antibiotics? "Evidence of protective microbiome in the bladder" #ASM2014

10:08am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: Urine is not sterile due to larger sampling amount and HT sequencing. 'Difficult to dispel old dogmas'; thus this event #ASM2014

10:07am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM Live: Evann Hilt, Paul Schreckenberger and Alan Wolfe all from Loyola University of Chicago; Moderator Stanley Maloy SDSU #ASM2014

10:06am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

ASM live event is live-streamed here: http://t.co/kkpQkeNxBi Title "Bacteria in Urine Could Cause Overactive Bladder" #ASM2014

10:04am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

Albers: FlaF suggested to function as a 'stator', binds S-layer and anchors archaellum in the cell envelope #ASM2014

9:49am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @manzilllla: I always love movies of cells tethered by their filaments...wheeeeeee #ASM2014 Albers talk

9:48am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

Albers: Mutants of FlaH phosph. status - affects swim radius size. Next interaction with FlaX and FlaH; FlaH may regulate length #ASM2014

9:46am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

Albers: KaiC autophosphorylates; 6h x 4 cycle. FlaH shows autophos activity too; may regulate some mechanism for swimming #ASM2014

9:44am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

Albers: FlaH binds nucleotides at high affinity; no hydrolysis. Homologous to KaiC, a circadian clock protein #ASM2014

9:43am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

Albers: The bifunctional is a ring-like oligomer; other missing proteins are FlaH/G/F. FlaI is the active ATP-ase. #ASM2014

9:42am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

Albers: 2013 function of FlaI, assembly of the two functions first an assy ATP-ase as well as a rotary one http://t.co/pv3Hlv5cBC #ASM2014

9:41am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

Albers: 2014 paper showing rotation of the archaellum: http://t.co/edBEUlSuqL #ASM2014

9:39am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

Albers: Movies comparing Brownian motion vs. rotating archaellum 2012 Lassak publ.: http://t.co/ciSc4VVj3U #ASM2014

9:38am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

Albers: Imp. for surface adhesion, biofilm formation, strain-spec DNA exchange system, and surface motility #ASM2014

9:36am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

Albers: S. acidocaldarius (S.a.) has three surface structures archaellum, 'threads', 'Aap pili'; showed cartoon of assembly #ASM2014

9:35am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

Albers: Archaellum - not related to flagellum at all. Well-conserved, Model: Sulfolobus acidocaldarius from Yellowstone crenarchaea #ASM2014

9:34am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

Albers: Figure 2012 review compares of the flagellum, archaellum and type IV pili http://t.co/2k6oqjqgsd pili serve to bind surface #ASM2014

9:32am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

Albers: 1991 publication Marwan et al J Bacteriol http://t.co/9UfRAA4x33 showed movie of movement. #ASM2014

9:31am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

Sonja Albers (Max Planck Inst. for Terrestrial Microbiolology, moving to Freiburg): “The Third Way to Move: How Archaea Swim” #ASM2014

9:28am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

Santangelo: Shown to block translation; likely able to 'move to all genes'; several done so far #ASM2014

9:23am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

Santangelo: Able to tune expression via a functional 'riboswitch'. 85nt 5' UTR binding flouride blocking xcr or xl #ASM2014

9:23am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @ASMicrobiology: Hey #asm2014 we are so popular we are being hashtag spammed; we are working on it! Help us block the spammers. ^lp

9:20am May 18th 2014 via Hootsuite