Would you like to hear @iontorrent news from #ESHG14 ? We’ve got it on YouTube! http://t.co/VywAvgFsiY

5:37am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

#ESHG14 Oops! Digital PCR session today is at 1530-1700 in Amber 7&8! @LIFECorporation All invited!

5:28am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

#ESHG14 Today at 11:45-13:15 in Amber 7&8 hear about digital PCR applications from several invited speakers.

5:17am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

.@robin_andersson You are most welcome - I'll be live-tweeting under @LIFECorporation at the digital PCR workshop at #ESHG14 in an hour...

5:07am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

Jones: Using 450K chip, looking at 'DNA rebound methylation' after 5-Aza removed. Gene bodies are re-methylated. #ESHG14

4:03am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Jones: They work inhibiting methylation; incorporation into nascent DNA; remains in strand. Specificity is what is re-methylation #ESHG14

4:01am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Jones: Idea: in aging and infection, gene body methylation can induce mutations. Hypomethylating drugs - 5-Aza-CR in the 60's #ESHG14

4:00am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Jones: DNMT3A methylates itself, turning a base into a hotspot, inactivating the gene. 'Two sides of the same coin'. #ESHG14

3:59am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Jones: Interaction of epigenetics with genetics: mut promoter, or gene body; a genetic OR epigenetic mark causing oncogenic mutation #ESHG14

3:57am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Jones: TCGA observation “shocking” was that all cancers had aberrant methylation. ‘10K tumors' - had at least one. #ESHG14

3:53am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Jones: Genes actively expressed can have a lot of methylation (in the gene body), largely ignored to-date #ESHG14

3:52am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Jones: Epigenetic modifiers are often mutated in cancers; next cytosine modifications #ESHG14

3:49am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Jones: Showed data CpG island correlated with change in chromatin structure, along with nucleosome phasing #ESHG14

3:48am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Jones: De novo NDRs are enriched for distal regulatory regions including enhancers and xcription factor binding sites #ESHG14

3:46am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Jones: NOMe-Seq assay: nucleome occupancy and methylation assay. Methyl. and chromatin accessibility can be anticorrelated #ESHG14

3:45am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Jones: ... could be important in communicating transcription initiation. #ESHG14

3:43am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Jones: Histones, chromatin remodeller, Pol II accessibility can't access if a nucleosome occupies location. meC and Ac marks... #ESHG14

3:42am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Next: Peter Jones (Univ Southern Calif USA)Cancer genetics and epigenetics: Two Sides of the Same Coin? #ESHG14

3:40am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Anne Ferguson-Smith (U Cambridge): “Intergenerational epigenetic prog. in a mouse model of undernutrition” But unpubl; I won't tweet #ESHG14

3:10am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Feinberg: Q&A: Not knocking it, but the Illumina 450K is ‘way too low resolution for this kind of thing’ Wants single-molecule #ESHG14

3:01am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Feinberg: His model in a recent review - Nat Rev Cancer http://t.co/YB9NRzIDLl Platisticity a central driving force in cancer #ESHG14

2:57am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Feinberg: Pointed to this Genome Med: epigenetic var http://t.co/sxYZ3g1C3G Key feature of cancer: instability / randomness #ESHG14

2:55am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Feinberg: Believes a dynamic epigenetic landscape w/ stochasticity is deformable - regulated by nuclear structure. "Cancer hijacks" #ESHG14

2:53am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Feinberg: Photo of him and Vogelstein from 30y ago (!) - 1/3 of hypomethylation up to 30MB long. Highly variable. #ESHG14

2:52am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Feinberg: Can find Variable Methylated Regions (VMRs) in inbred mice. Can epigenetic var's can explain tumor het? #ESHG14

2:48am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Feinberg: An idea (while in Westminster Abbey): stochastic variation plays a role in development. A certain degree of randomness. #ESHG14

2:45am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Feinberg: Vogelstein Science 2012: http://t.co/RFBqrFQjwA looking at missing heritability, only 20% maximum could be accounted for #ESHG14

2:44am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

Feinberg: Points to 2009 Nature Gen pub: http://t.co/veYJLcjEtl C-DMRs = t-DMRs, hypervariable regions yet have patterns to them #ESHG14

2:43am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

First: Andy Feinberg, Johns Hopkins USA: “The epigenetic basis of common human disease” #ESHG14

2:38am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @Roche: Roche acquires Genia Technologies to strengthen next generation sequencing pipeline http://t.co/fUlHhw6OTt $RHHBY $ROG

1:31am June 2nd 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

RT @AppliedBio: #ESHG14 Poster: Mapping SNP gt & CNV data patterns to PGx allele nomenclature http://t.co/IDe7QnRyRV http://t.co/RGT9s6u

11:25pm June 1st 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

RT @palafo: Even if you don't "hate work," this is a good guide to a happier working life. http://t.co/bhYTuBp1bQ

4:10pm June 1st 2014 via Hootsuite

Korbel: GFI1/B - only expr. when SV nearby; could it be cancer driver? Neural stem cells + cMYC + CFI1 explants induced m'blastoma #ESHG14

12:49pm June 1st 2014 via Hootsuite

Korbel: Locus at 9q34 - a putative target gene adjacent GFI1B next to DDX31; 1:5, 1:6; 1:9; 1:21 Chr translocations 4 samples #ESHG14

12:48pm June 1st 2014 via Hootsuite

Korbel: 'Non-canonical' recurrent struct variation (SVs) in medulloblastoma. Patterns are irregular - tandem dup, del's, inversions #ESHG14

12:46pm June 1st 2014 via Hootsuite

Korbel: Diversity of cancers, mRNA-Seq, methylation, longitudinal sampling. Unifying data: ID new patterns, driver variants #ESHG14

12:40pm June 1st 2014 via Hootsuite

Korbel: Pan-Cancer Analysis of Whole Genomes (PAWG) 2K whole cancer genomes, reanalysis of existing data. #ESHG14

12:38pm June 1st 2014 via Hootsuite

Korbel: Expanding on standards: analytical pipelines that hamper data integration and interpretation. #ESHG14

12:38pm June 1st 2014 via Hootsuite

Korbel: Issues: Ascertainment bias (only ORFs); analysis of somatic rearr's in intergenic regions w/large sample #'s; need for stds #ESHG14

12:37pm June 1st 2014 via Hootsuite

Korbel: Effect of PE, read depth, looking at somatic, german ICGC PedBrain medulla blastoma. Found chromothrypsis in these samples #ESHG14

12:35pm June 1st 2014 via Hootsuite

Korbel: Structural variation analysis - short read DNA technology is too short. SV's occur in repetitive regions. #ESHG14

12:35pm June 1st 2014 via Hootsuite

Jan O. Korbel (EMBL Heidelberg): Medulloblastoma links chromothrypsis with TP53 mutations #ESHG14

12:34pm June 1st 2014 via Hootsuite

Nik-Zainal: Haven't been able to find kataegis in germline (yet), suspect in normal cells #ESHG14

12:29pm June 1st 2014 via Hootsuite

Nik-Zainal: Able to recapitulate Kataegis in Saccharomyces via APOBEC overexpression #ESHG14

12:16pm June 1st 2014 via Hootsuite

Nik-Zainal: Data suggest a sudden single event; "cytosine is a genomic 'wild card'" APOBEC gene is a de-aminase C to U and then to T #ESHG14

12:14pm June 1st 2014 via Hootsuite

Nik-Zainal: Kataegis microclusters demonstrate processivity; all along >one strand<. A TpC context 2012 Cell http://t.co/AnmGhI9Nwg #

12:12pm June 1st 2014 via Hootsuite

Nik-Zainal: Zooming in from 14MB to kb scale to bp scale: somatic mut's are in cis (!) #ESHG14

12:08pm June 1st 2014 via Hootsuite

Nik-Zainal: Chr6, many C to T mutations; 25 rearrangement breakpoints, 17 colocalizing in 14MB window #ESHG14

12:07pm June 1st 2014 via Hootsuite