Microscopic photo of vinyl record grooves - Kottke http://t.co/fXXTBNpzVL

9:30am November 8th 2014 via Hootsuite

Wonderful read: The Sixth Stage of Grief is Retro-Computing | Medium http://t.co/lLMKdD3rG0

9:30am November 8th 2014 via Hootsuite

Alex From Target: "We live in an age of uncontrollable fame" - NY Magazine http://t.co/YbBFuxM3yo

8:30am November 8th 2014 via Hootsuite

The Myth of Chinese Super Schools by Diane Ravitch | The New York Review of Books http://t.co/FAd81cdL7R

7:25am November 8th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @Recombine: Super Moms! Study: Women with more children are more productive at work | Washington Post http://t.co/fZqBKeHq07

5:30am November 8th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @HelenBranswell: How does #Ebola get the upper hand on humans? It cheats. http://t.co/RAc3k0TDoQ

4:25am November 8th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

RT @pourmecoffee: Roland Miller’s photos of abandoned NASA facilities are a treasure http://t.co/vMSADte1eI http://t.co/MIvPV46FoK

10:05pm November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

Brace Yourself for Large-Scale Whole Genome Sequencing | @MassGenomics http://t.co/CRf4lCiHNJ

9:05pm November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite

BaseHealth CEO Jorge Velarde Speaks About the New Market for Genomic Health - Bio-IT World http://t.co/Ko0OeGWddn

8:01pm November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @Richvn: Interview in @NatureNews with the co-creator of Google Scholar, on its history and future challenges: http://t.co/Nlie0iuiWZ

7:05pm November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite

N.B. 4/10 are for human health MT @ibmwatsonbot: Here are 10 examples of Watson-powered cognitive apps | CIO http://t.co/zLf4fRniFR

6:05pm November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite

W/Carol Dweck ("Mindset") RT @wjsullivan: Too Many Kids Quit Science Because They Don't Think They're Smart http://t.co/lb3AsimSEk

5:05pm November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite

Attune® NxT: 46th Annual Flow Cytometry Games - YouTube courtesy @LifeTech http://t.co/LEHseRifCn

4:05pm November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @ianbremmer: Good news on the conservation front: US water use now at lowest level in 40 years. http://t.co/JbfR1co9c0

4:05pm November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @conradhackett: Spending by ave. American 2013 Newspapers $40 Books $32 E-book readers $30 http://t.co/DCM7ec74Ll http://t.co/HRNaGEbgqM

3:10pm November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

What do grant writing and FFPE blocks have in common? | Behind the Bench http://t.co/XJ6ap61f60

1:55pm November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @davetang31: Some fairly hilarious pictures of "Life as a PhD student" on the @guardian http://t.co/SiYbm15jCn #phdchat

1:05pm November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite

Origins and functional consequences of somatic mitochondrial DNA mutations in human cancer | eLife http://t.co/I0Wu73yHM3

12:05pm November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite

There’s more than one reason why iOS 8’s growth has stalled | Ars Technica http://t.co/3EPh3vIF2u

11:05am November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite

Fall of the Banner Ad: The Monster That Swallowed the Web - http://t.co/dDcpBPkdXU http://t.co/QMv4SIr3F4

10:05am November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite

Ebola and Marburg are Millions of Years Old, Not Thousands | Bioscience Technology http://t.co/OMSGpGSVqn

9:05am November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @iGenomics: Journals unite for reproducibility (NIH, Science, Nature..) http://t.co/9N0nD7i9iq

8:05am November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite

MT @edyong209: Want an explanation of Google's cancer detector plans that isn't just a tech journo hype? Here: http://t.co/Rjs8ZytGnd

7:05am November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @moorejh: Dr. Nancy Cox to lead new Vanderbilt Genetics Institute http://t.co/JYj1mHGEuf #genomics

5:10am November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite

The iPhone just lost its perfect security record — now what? | The Verge http://t.co/OXw8jFy8JB

4:05am November 7th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @physorg_com: Ancient DNA shows earliest European genomes weathered the #IceAge http://t.co/yVquYvNdrf @Cambridge_Uni

10:05pm November 6th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

Twin study finds host genetics influence gut microbes | GenomeWeb http://t.co/ikLr6AXXwB

9:05pm November 6th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @LifeTech: Speakers and resources still available; join this #stemcell24 virtual event! http://t.co/kXK9cNjREk http://t.co/IRQGoaYYEL

8:05pm November 6th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

RT @NatureBiotech: Paper-based cell-free circuits move synbio biology out of the lab into diagnostics http://t.co/EwE0K1Sppr #NBThighlight

7:10pm November 6th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

RT @AHRQNews: Cancer treatments cost about $88B in 2012, followed by mental health treatments at $84B that year http://t.co/cdv6j1VM86

6:05pm November 6th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

RT @Kenzibit: Connecting the microcosmos and the macro world - O'Reilly Radar via @Socrates_Logos http://t.co/h7mHEy2BHN

5:05pm November 6th 2014 via Hootsuite

.@DESBoston It was Brian O'Connor speaking from National Jewish Health in Denver CO, talking about doing ChIP-Seq from lung epithelial cells

4:54pm November 6th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

MT @CMKeithW: If you read one article today…brilliant RT @McDawg: This Study is Intentionally Left Blank http://t.co/lXsPNGy0ss

4:05pm November 6th 2014 via Hootsuite

MT @TheEconomist: China's housing market may be a source of illicit riches, as well as a place to park them http://t.co/n0xyQMD66b

3:05pm November 6th 2014 via Hootsuite

Visited last summer: wifi almost non-existent. Fiber optic proposal for Yellowstone and Grand Teton | Slate http://t.co/Z9LjPUdBUQ

2:10pm November 6th 2014 via Hootsuite

MT @BostonMagazine: Colorful city map says Boston has a charming, quaint, aggravating layout: http://t.co/h5DbRiguCz http://t.co/fD3HFYYmhH

1:01pm November 6th 2014 via Hootsuite

Oral, Capsulized, Frozen Fecal Microbiota Transplantation for Relapsing Clostridium difficile Infection | JAMA http://t.co/cetHmCzpJm

11:46am November 6th 2014 via Hootsuite

TIL a German bureaucrat said he was 'not really there' for 14 years. The Art of Not Working at Work - The Atlantic http://t.co/xdeZXNtENB

9:15am November 6th 2014 via Hootsuite

Bai: Uses a 48-sample OpenArray format plate for 64 assays/sample. Illus F508del plot. Of 149 known samples 100% concordant #ASHG14

9:01am November 6th 2014 via Twitter Web Client

Bai:Shows chart for % success rates - ranging from 52% - 98% dep on ethnicity. Need low cost, high detection rate. Has 64 mut panel #ASHG14

9:01am November 6th 2014 via Twitter Web Client

Bai: CFTR is 230kb (incl introns), 27 exons. N Europeans: 1:3200 Carrier freq is 1:25 Asian prevalence 1:31K #ASHG14

9:00am November 6th 2014 via Twitter Web Client

Shaochun Bai (Indiana Univ) Development and validation of a TaqMan OpenArray Screening Platform for CFTR-relatedDisorders #ASHG14

9:00am November 6th 2014 via Twitter Web Client

Hartshorne: Finishes by showing data with known copy number samples #ASHG14

9:00am November 6th 2014 via Twitter Web Client

New wet lab–validated custom TaqMan SNP Genotyping Assays for QuantStudio 3D – see the complete list http://t.co/08DOzc0Taz

9:00am November 6th 2014 via Twitter Web Client

Hartshorne: Points out need for restriction digest to make sure copies on contiguous DNA end up in discrete wells #ASHG14

9:00am November 6th 2014 via Twitter Web Client

Hartshorne: After star allele determination (variety of formats on QuantStudio 12K flex); determine copy # via QuantStudio 3D #ASHG14

9:00am November 6th 2014 via Twitter Web Client

Hartshorne: Showed table of 8 star alleles in CYP2D6 that also can be duplicated. 4 levels of metabolizing activity #ASHG14

9:00am November 6th 2014 via Twitter Web Client