Taylor: As a result: looking at relative prob. of mutation freq., found that 1280x more likely pt has serous ovarian Ca. #5points

9:54am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: Ex. of pancreatic tumor: no KRAS, significant CNA (copy number alteration). Now compiling db 11.1K samples, 42 tumor types #5points

9:52am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: It is a case for 'clinical diagnostics support': how cancer dx can be re-diagnosed molecularly #5points

9:49am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor:TMZ works on highly proliferative cells; BRAF clones killed, but lower IDH1 mutant clones survived. Oh the complexity... #5points

9:48am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: Not a 'binary call': the kind of nuance that is needed. An absent BRAF mutation: missing in recurrent tumor. Where is it? #5points

9:47am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: Does the subclonal driver preclude effective targeted inhibition? ERBB2 vs. TSC1 LoF? How to select appropriate trial? #5points

9:44am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: Looking at a bladder urothelial carcinoms; 4/7 genes early at 20% MAF; later 2 others 60% AF. But late ERBB2 at 3%? #5points

9:43am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: Thus ramifications: adjuvant chemotherapy is doing things to the tumors over time; how can this complexity be applied? #5points

9:40am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: Focus on mTORC1 in GBM: 'hypermutated subclone underwent in vivo selection' #5points

9:39am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: C-G, T-A mutants: signature of impact of chemotherapy in GBM. TMZ-induced mutations; could be driving tumor supp mut's. #5points

9:36am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: Could be confounded by hetergeneity, sampling bias. 2014 Science ref. http://t.co/4KwT7LTvnT #5points

9:33am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: Evolutionary trajectory is not an intrinsic property of a tumor: Recur #2 is an earlier branch cp. to #1; #3 taken from #2. #5points

9:32am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: These examples: how divergent this evolution can be from initial tumor onward. Branch diagram of 3 recurrences (!) #5points

9:31am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: 'From linear to extreme branched clonal evolution': illus. CNV and somatic mutation #'s, initial:recurrent in 2 examples #5points

9:29am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: Using low-grade glioma as a model: can recur up to 10y later ('a challenge'). 'Broad spectrum of genetic relatedness' #5points

9:28am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: Nature of tumor evolution: how are these tumors evolving over treatment time? The limits of genomics in oncology treatment. #5points

9:25am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: Sensitizing mut's that 'sequencing can't answer: why are these responses so durable?' "We need to take orthogonal apprchs" #5points

9:24am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: Mechanism published Sep 2014 http://t.co/JeqdUh3pys 'rare separation of function' #5points

9:23am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: In RAD50 evidence of partial LoF mut.; went into yeast to look at function. JHF Petrini collab: synthetic lethality #5points

9:21am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: >200 genes targeted, looked at Chk1/Irinotecan responder, RAD50 L1237F mut. focus (of 8 genes listed). #5points

9:20am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: Now onto comb. chemotherapy; disease-free after 3y ago therapy stopped. 2nd tumor genome very diff. from first. #5points

9:18am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: Work on everolimus sens. publ. 2012 Science http://t.co/cyeS8VF4R4 and mTORC1 effectors: 'sensitizing genetic interaction' #5points

9:16am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Taylor: Started with work with Iyer and Solit at MSKCC on bladder cancer. First in '11. 2013 PubMed http://t.co/sEEDXmFYFf

9:13am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Barry Taylor MSKCC: "Cancer Genome Discovery in an Age of Precision Oncology" http://t.co/FBAfNtpVUJ @nygenome

9:11am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @vickyyyf: BBC News - ‘Hundreds chase every junior academic job’ http://t.co/4j8BiIM7kj

8:30am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

Study suggests grandparents could pass on obesity 2 or 3 generations via epigenetics | Health Canal http://t.co/GdndAyTC2R

7:30am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Quality Control for RNA-Seq (QuaCRS): An Integrated Quality Control Pipeline - PubMed http://t.co/njqPFCtrg5

6:25am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

High-throughput sequencing of human immunoglobulin variable regions with subtype identification|PubMed http://t.co/3gXcYcj6DV

5:30am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

Single-base resolution analysis of active DNA demethylation using methylase-assisted bisulfite sequencing | PubMed http://t.co/bnXsFlRDMY

4:30am November 12th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @Jesusontwittorr: Hey remember when Dad created Satan.............and then blamed everything on him #goodtimes

10:30pm November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite

Methylated DNA is over-represented in whole-genome bisulfite sequencing data | PubMed http://t.co/OUuEvlnjeS

9:30pm November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite

Headed to this NYC event Wed invited by @genomenathan: Five Points Lecture Series - New York Genome Center http://t.co/15rGGe4K9S

8:47pm November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @CellCellPress: Studying #immune development and disease? Join us for our upcoming, free webinar! #immunogenetics http://t.co/MvUrj27c5L

8:30pm November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @PopMech: When the next disaster comes, a cyborg cockroach might just be your savior.: http://t.co/3hTRBzZeSf http://t.co/jv2esTwkRe

7:30pm November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite

An improved optical method for reading out the ion current through solid-state nanopores | In Sequence http://t.co/bRXtEV1mnq

6:30pm November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @EdTech_HigherEd: 5 reasons not to restrict device usage in classrooms, from a student (#CampusConnect / #EdTech) http://t.co/SwJAZ5BQq0

5:30pm November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @HubSpot: It's hard to write good. Er, um, well. Grab this guide & learn to write better marketing copy: http://t.co/CUjHXCSDti

4:30pm November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @wiredscience: Why are smells so hard to describe in words? Maybe the wrong language. http://t.co/LwxHVtsyCo http://t.co/loe1nWl6xl

2:25pm November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @lindaavey: Single Gene Regulation Found to Inhibit Addictive and Depressive Behaviors http://t.co/VkgIZ9zm1d via @GENbio

1:30pm November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @Kenzibit: Identification of enterotoxigenic E coli (ETEC) clades with long-term global distribution http://t.co/zwOzhycXk6@DrJCThrash

12:30pm November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite

Physicist who inspired Interstellar spills the backstory—and the scene that makes him cringe | Science News http://t.co/9Ynfg8XyUU

11:30am November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite

The genes that turned wildcats into kitty cats | Science News http://t.co/1M4LKGdrNP

10:30am November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite

Feeling Younger May Help Memory as We Age - WSJ http://t.co/wDpGFjDcmg

9:40am November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite

MT @ChronicleReview: We asked 12 scholars what nonfiction book... has most influenced their thinking: http://t.co/ai1tAUSFAP

7:30am November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

RT @noahWG: Researchers identify a single molecule they believe attracts carnivores to blood: http://t.co/TK7EiU3bZT http://t.co/5XMFTBw1i

7:30am November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite in reply to

Insect 'tree of life' shows bugs ruled prehistoric world - Futurity http://t.co/tbO0MhxX8t

6:30am November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite

Humans and Neanderthals interbred 10,000 years earlier - Futurity http://t.co/s9yIH88U7F

5:30am November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite

A reference bacterial genome dataset generated on the MinION | Gigascience J http://t.co/keJ7g8gppn HT @SeqComplete

4:30am November 11th 2014 via Hootsuite

RT @csmonitor: Verizon Wireless tracking 100 million users with undetectable 'supercookie' http://t.co/PJl0dbBcgd

10:30pm November 10th 2014 via Hootsuite