Microsoft's HoloLens is no joke: My reality augmented with Skype, Minecraft - CNET
3:40pm January 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite
Multitasking, not Facebook, hurts freshman GPA - Futurity
2:20pm January 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite
TIL there's an open-access journal called Single Cell Biology. Worth a look.
1:45pm January 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite
RT @BoingBoing: Watch hours of intricate kaleidoscopic color in HD.
12:10pm January 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite
RT @genetics_blog: Recoded organisms engineered to depend on synthetic amino acids
11:55am January 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite
RT @estherschindler: This video shows every user interface in 'Star Wars'|CNet
10:50am January 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite
RT @lisabriercliffe: Windows Holographic: Microsoft goes full throttle into virtual reality | Mashable
9:40am January 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite
Search Engines Trump Traditional Media as Most-Trusted by Millennials|Reason
8:15am January 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite
RT @MaxCRoser: Another advantage of visualisations. This is the breakdown of human memory retention – according to William Glasser. http:/…
8:01am January 22nd 2015 via Twitter Web Client
RT @nxtstop1: Tech,Knowledge source/purpose. MT @wef: 3 forces shaping university of future @Harvard #wef15 http://…
7:36am January 22nd 2015 via Twitter Web Client
MT @nabsys: .@GenomeWeb caught up with us at #JPMorgan last week. Find out what’s in store for #Nabsys this year:
7:05am January 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite
RT @AppliedBio: Flexible Content Panels for TaqMan Array Plates, Array Cards and OpenArray Formats
6:50am January 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite
What does Cambridge sewage say about residents? MIT plans to find out |Boston Globe Microbiome analysis
6:40am January 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite
RT @WIRED: Our exclusive hands-on with Microsoft’s unbelievable new holographic goggles
5:55am January 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite
Why I love Brazilians - Matador Network
4:55am January 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite
RT @genetics_blog: Haplotype reconstruction with long nanopore reads (data on SRA and figshare)
9:45pm January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
RT @genetics_blog: Where Next for Microbiome Research? via @MicrobiomDigest
8:55pm January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
Interesting company: Creative Bioinformatics is like hiring a temporary bioinformatics postdoc.
8:20pm January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
Best Practices for Scientific Computing | PLOS Biology HT @Jhagberg
7:50pm January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
RT @lexnederbragt: #einframps2015 tweets have been storified! Thanks @SahaSurya
6:20pm January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
Vela Dx Launches CE-marked Sentosa SQ Colorectal Cancer NGS Panel | GenomeWeb
5:05pm January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
RT @mims: "Holograms can become part of our everyday life" says designer of Microsoft's new goggles
4:50pm January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
RT @mikaelhuss: KH: Amount of NGS data worldwide doubles every 5 months, but no processor clock speed increases ahead. "free lunch is over"…
4:27pm January 21st 2015 via Twitter Web Client
RT @smllmp: Really interesting about BioBlend.Objects for powerful scripting of #usegalaxy, by @ilveroluca at #einfraMPS2015 Publ http://t.…
3:28pm January 21st 2015 via Twitter Web Client
RT @mikaelhuss: SL: Luigi supports both command line and Hadoop execution. Powers 1000s of jobs each day at Spotify.…
3:27pm January 21st 2015 via Twitter Web Client
RT @mikaelhuss: Samuel Lampa (BILS/Dept of Pharm. Biosci. in Uppsala) on using Luigi, a framework developed by @spotify, for bioinformatics…
SickKids Researchers Publish Pre-PCR Method for SNPs in GC-rich Regions | GenomeWeb @iontorrent
3:10pm January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
RT @eperlste: I love @podcaststartup because it demystifies startup life. If a ragtag bunch of NPR nerds can hack it, so can you! https://t…
2:36pm January 21st 2015 via Twitter Web Client
Good for any age. 9 Things You Should Have Done By The Time You're 50 | Huffington Post
2:10pm January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
RT @jonotter: How much is contamination affecting microbiome experiments? Probably more than you'd expect
1:25pm January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
How Technology will Eat Medicine - HealthKit, Theranos + cloud genomics | YourStory HT @rvaughnmd
12:15pm January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
MT @GeneticsSociety: Our #DNADay essay contest is now open! The 2015 topic: the evolving definition of a gene.
11:05am January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
RT @genomenathan: Mootha: Mito. made of ~1100 proteins (see MitoCarta). Mix varies greatly among organisms even tissues. #5points #nygc
10:35am January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
RT @genomenathan: Mootha: mitochondria figure centrally in so many symptomatically diverse diseases. #nygc #5points
10:30am January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
Bianchi:Q:Twins? A:Not 2x the fetal DNA; the woman caps the amt. of foreign DNA in blood. 1.4x - false negative cases higher ~10% #NICHD
10:07am January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
Bianchi:Q:Role of oxidative stress? A:All part of accell. aging; why unknown, a # of disregulated pathways #NICHD
10:03am January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
Bianchi:Q:congenital heart defects in mouse model? A:Yes they see it, emph. is on brain dev. They see lot of heart VSD's #NICHD
10:02am January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
Bianchi:Promising results w/Apigenin - if in-utero treatment could work for T21, it may work for other aneuplodies #NICHD
10:01am January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
Bianchi:Much discussion around NIPT maternal incidental findings; she may have cancer, DiGeorge Syndrome; sex chr. abnormality #NICHD
9:58am January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
Bianchi:Will use 3D CT scans to monitor in-utero mouse brain development, also track neural stem-cell migration. #NICHD
9:54am January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
Bianchi:Mice turning over; apigenin treatment orally; clear difference w/Ts1Cje after treatment on one test. Many other tests to do #NICHD
9:53am January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
Bianchi:Describes a 'Comet Assay' showing halos in T21 model cells. Describes Ts1Cje mouse model for T21. Videos of mouse phenotypes #NICHD
9:50am January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
Bianchi:Apigenin top candidate, naturally found (fruits & veggies), in-vitro assay described. Fluorescent assay for oxidative stress #NI
9:47am January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
Bianchi:Eg safety, cross placenta, clinical improvement. What mouse model to use etc. Work is in process. First compound is Apigenin #NICHD
9:46am January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
Bianchi:Hypothesis: treatment of ox. stress in-utero; use Connectivity Map to ID safe compounds to use in-utero. Many needs listed. #NICHD
9:45am January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
Bianchi:Learning and memory - clin. trials ongoing to improve; but nerve cells and neural stem cells decrease w/time as T21 children #NICHD
9:43am January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
Bianchi:40% of US women choose to continue preg w/T21; % stable; potential ~28 window to influence brain development #NICHD
Bianchi:Turners: a fetal autoimmune disease; cholesterol homeostasis; perivascular problems #NICHD
9:42am January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
Bianchi:T21, T18, Turners: all have unique gene expression signatures. T18: NOTCH signaling; adrenal dev; T-cell med. immunity #NICHD
9:41am January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite
Bianchi: Oxidative stress in T21 fetus described here #NICHD
9:40am January 21st 2015 via Hootsuite