BV: K-M curve showed not durable responses. Most impt Q: Why were most sensitive to conventional agents, more than normal cells? #AACR15

8:23am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

BV: New study - continuous, very low doses of GTX-C (Gemcytabine, Taxotere, Xeloda, Cisplatin) over long periods of time #AACR15

8:22am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

BV: Found ctDNA spoked soon after Rx, then another spike 4mos later. Protein markers - not observed (CA19-9), long-lived #AACR15

8:21am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

BV: Will present unpubl. work from Luis Diaz & Dung Le. New trial for metastatic panc cancer (89% RECIST-defined response) #AACR15

8:20am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

BV: 'What we don't know may be as impt as what we do" - to stimulate the next generation of cancer researchers. #AACR15

8:18am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

Bert Vogelstein (Johns Hopkins MD) "Drug resistance: A genetic perspective" BV #AACR15

8:18am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT:Q:CTCs in culture? A:Publ last year, from 30 smpls only 5 cultured, for pharmacogenetics, very difficult to do. #AACR15

7:52am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT:Q:Clogging in i-Chip? A:Clusters are about 5%, so it does clog, so it did lose some of these. #AACR15

7:51am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT:Q:How does selection change gene exp? A:Hard to do the control exp. Neg sel. may be gentler on CTCs: each one is few secs exposed #AACR15

7:50am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: ~40% of different cancers (3 types, n=13 to 27) have picked up clusters #AACR15

7:46am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: 33k triangles, 4096 trapping paths, 2.5mL/h. ~100um to ~12um narrowest point. Clusters can be huge (relatively) #AACR15

7:45am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Using triangular posts to capture CTC clusters only - Sarioglu et al Nature Methods (accepted manuscript) Based upon geometry #AACR15

7:44am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Gene function: knock-down via shRNA of Plakoglobin shows lower metastatic potential (functions in cell-cell junctions) #AACR15

7:43am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT:Plakoglobin gene much higher expression in CTCs. Probability of survival - shows difference bet high and low Plakoglobin exp #AACR15

7:41am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Mechanism: CTC clusters are less apoptotic. RNA-Seq to compare scCTC vs clusters: @appliedbio SOLiD sequencing! #AACR15

7:39am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Origin of CTC clusters: they are oligoclonal, and more metastatic than single CTCs. (~50x the metastatic potential) #AACR15

7:38am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: (I'm really enjoying this session. Seems like all my favorite #AACR15 sessions have been at 7am...)

7:35am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT:Clinical response and CTC clusters: clusters have marked effect on poor survival '14 Cell ref #AACR15

7:35am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Dynamic shift between clusters and single CTCs: M cluster, single E, single E, then clusted M (same case) #AACR15

7:33am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Longitudinal EMT scoring - distribution is dynamic (E, E>M, E=M, M>E, M) across treatment, 'seems to correlate to clin resp' #AACR

7:32am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT:Theory is single CTCs may undergo EMT, clusters may stick in capillary '13 Science ref EMT illus. #AACR15

7:31am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: From '13 STM ref: FNA of melanoma, and seeing melanoma cell in peripheral blood. Modeling metastasis: single or cluster CTCs? #AACR15

7:28am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Plot of cell diameter & EpCAM expression - showing many CTCs similar size to WBCs. Illus EpCAM: what CTCs would be lost there. #AACR

7:27am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Movie of CTCs finally separated at last step shown. Interface between the chip: blood in, 20 mill cells/sec. #AACR15

7:26am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: DLD is 'like a Pachinko', RBCs go straight; deflection to side of larger cells. Inertial focusing: single-file. MACs last sep'tn #AACR15

7:25am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Format is circular (taking adv. of BluRay mfg), i-Chip able to process 20mL in 1h. centrifuge, focusing, MACs on 1 device #AACR15

7:23am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Illustrating 3rd-gen CTC chip #AACR15

7:22am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Deterministic lateral displacement (centrifugation); inertial focusing (flow cyt); magnetophoresis (MACS) deflection #AACR15

7:20am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: But getting rid of 10B cells? 3d gen. '13 Sci Trans Med ref #AACR15 '14 ref

7:19am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Looking for a needle - but the 'needle keeps changing'. So - negative selection, 'go after the haystack' #AACR15

7:16am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Some CTCs are high EpCAM, others low, others none, others covered with platelets. How to isolate indep of size & phenotype? #AACR15

7:16am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Some in apoptosis, some in clusters, some 'dural positive', some segmented nuclei. Selection may not be the best method #AACR15

7:15am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: CTC's range for 10um to 40um (CK/CD45 stain) in lung. Others: some covered in platelets, some EM transition, some in telophase #AACR15

7:14am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: 2nd-gen funded by SU2C, '10 PNAS ref Showed gallery of images of CTC's captured of lung ca #AACR15

7:13am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Shortcomings: indivd chips expensive ($500 by micro-etching), filtering out took weeks, then days. 2nd gen: herringbone design #AACR15

7:12am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: 1st gen micropost method, 100K posts coated with EpCAM. '07 Nature ref #AACR15

7:11am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Companies' approaches: CellSearch is the ony approved. Veridex: + selection; Epic: minimal processed; Rarecells: size-selected #AACR15

7:08am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Nat Rev Cancer '08 ref: review of methods. #AACR15

7:08am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Methods: Epic method is just viewing; others on size, density, marker proteins, RNA. Their approach a microfluidic chip #AACR15

7:06am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Liquid biopsy concept - early detection, treatment selection, real-time monitoring - all could use CTC analysis #AACR15

7:05am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: 1 in a billion cells is a CTC: 'huge technical challenge'. Could be 1 in 10B. #AACR15

7:04am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: First report of CTC's in 1869 Ashworth (Monash Univ Australia) - 64-yo cancer pt. Drew by hand CTC's; concl 'metastatic process' #AACR15

7:03am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: Prenatal Dx, HIV point-of-care in resource-limited regions (Africa). #AACR15

7:01am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

MT: His training is in engineering; working with Daniel Haber, Ravi Kapur, others. Have been working on CTCs for the last 10y #AACR15

7:00am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

Mehmet Toner (Mass Gen Hosp MA) “Noninvasive Diagnostic Approaches: Circulating Tumor Cells” MT #AACR15

7:00am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

RT @iontorrent: #AACR15 New 52 solid tumor gene panel detects SNVs, indels, CNVs and gene fusions

6:10am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

RT @iontorrent: Jan Budczies discusses his #AACR15 poster where he talks about detecting CNV without normal controls

5:24am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

RT @pickover: Imagine inserting a floppy; look at the tiny keyboard. BYTE, April, 1981. Info:

5:10am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

RT @FLGenomics: #GenomicsFest Almost 10 weeks to go! All attendees have the opportunity of presenting a poster

4:05am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite

Gwyneth Paltrow highlights a problem: Americans not eating enough vegetables isn't an issue of $ | Washington Post

3:10am April 21st 2015 via Hootsuite