Christian Jobin (Univ FL) “Microbial activities promote development of colorectal cancer” CJ #AACR15

2:04pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

RT @markgerstein: Pandolfi cites: Circular RNAs Are Predominant Transcript Isoform from 100s of Human Genes #AACR15

2:01pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

SC: Points out that the Hallmarks of cancer can all implicate the effects of cancer inflammation #AACR15

1:58pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

SG: '14 review ref with 16S NGS: a signature of microbes assoc'd with tumor, selective accumulation #AACR15

1:54pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

SG: Chronic inflammation '10 Cell review ref Looking at IL-23 upregulated in sporadic colorectal cancer #AACR15

1:43pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

SG: Complex role of immune system w/cancer. Pathogen's role in self/non-self, and cancer's immunosurveillance #AACR15

1:39pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

Sergei Grivennikov (Fox Chase CC PA) “Microbial-driven cytokine expression fuels colorectal cancer progression” SG #AACR15

1:37pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

GT: Antibiotics impair oxaliplatin by preventing ROS, as it is req'd for DNA damage after formation of platinum DNA adducts #AACR15

1:33pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

GT: ID gut bacteria affecting CpG immunotherapy: could find some incr. or decrease. ID'd 2 bact. spp. with opp effect in mice. #AACR15

1:30pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

GT: Mouse model: Injection of CpG, induces IL-10 but inject anti IL-10R, destroys tumor, similar resp to TNF KO mice. #AACR15

1:29pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

GT: Onto therapy: in mouse model, antibiotics suppress anti-tumor effect of immune- and chemotherapy (oxiplatin) 80% vs 20% #AACR15

1:25pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

GT: MyD88 CD11b KO mice carry 'pro-tumorigenic microbiota' transmissible to WT mice #AACR15

1:22pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

GT: Colon cancer: role of Myd88 in -/- mice, different effect of AOM +/- DSS. w/DSS, Prevotella invades, IL-18 role lost. #AACR15

1:18pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

GT: Mentions this Nature Imm '12 ref Cancer in direct exposure - 16% ca WW - infectious agents #AACR15

1:10pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

GT: Microbiomes can shift quickly in response to environmental signals. Role in metabolism; aging; neurological fn; circ rhythm #AACR15

1:09pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

GT: Humans are metaorganisms (symbionts): both microbial and human cells sense changes and communicate, exchanging info & adaptation #AA

1:06pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

GT: Humans 'co-evolved w/microbial partners'. Commensal organisms inhabit all barrier surfaces; 100x more genes than human genome #AACR15

1:06pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

Giorgio Trinchieri (NCI Frederick MD) “The microbiota in carcinogenesis and cancer therapy” GT #AACR15

1:04pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

RT @sloan_kettering: “Barcoding #cancer in the blood.” Our work on liquid biopsy in today’s @nytimes #AACR15

12:46pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite in reply to sloan_kettering

New Post: #AACR15 Poster "Rare and novel FFPE alleles using LCM and NGS" | Behind the Bench

12:35pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

JL: In humans: MB-231 low miR-200; MCf10CA1a miR-200 high; busy slide shows ability to transfer miR-200 effect in-vitro and ex-vivo #AACR15

12:15pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

JL: miR-200 transfer w/in a single tumor implant promotes acquisition of metastatic capability; happens at a distance #AACR15

12:14pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

JL: miR-200 overexp. in mammary tumors promote colonization of circ 4TO7 cells, shows reporter gene imaging data #AACR15

12:12pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

JL: Antagonism of miR-200 with anti-miR transfection: suppression shown in mouse lung nodules. #AACR15

12:08pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

JL: Onto metastatis mediation: 4TO7 cells more metastatic after ex-vivo treatment w/ EVs from 4T1 cells. Mouse lung nodules shown #AACR15

12:06pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

JL:Transfect 4T1 w/GFP Ago2 + Cy5-miR-200c, and sees entire complex transfers. #AACR15

12:05pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

JL: Via transwell co-culture:sees Zeb2 knockdown, Cdh1 increase. Then: showing extracell. vessicles (EVs) transfer miR-200 effect #AACR15

12:04pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

JL: 4T1 co-culture w/4TO7, see miR-200 levels increase, and target (Zeb2) down, Cdn1 up. Also Cdn1 via fluorescence shown #AACR15

12:03pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

JL: Extracellular vessicles treated with RNAse or Triton then RNAse: miR-200 family only in 4T1. In serum: differential presence #AACR15

12:01pm April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

JL: Ago is transferred with miRNAs. Whole RISC-complex being transferred (!) #AACR15

11:59am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

JL: miR-200 in extracellular vessicles: 2014 ref Exosome cargo contain Ago2 in 4TO1 and 4T1 cells #AACR15

11:59am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

JL: Just-published work ref pulldown of miR-200-ass'd mRNAs shows 4TO7 lines promotes metastases #AACR15

11:57am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

JL: 67NR, 168FARN, 4TO7, 4T1: isogenic clones of spont. mouse br ca model lines. miR-200 '09 ref #AACR15

11:55am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

Judy Lieberman (Boston Children's MA) Cancer crosstalk: miR-200-containing extracellular vesicles promote br ca cell metastatis #AACR15

11:53am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

.@notSoJunkDNA Here at #AACR15 I'm sharing what I can, perhaps setup a Twitter custom search (i.e. '#AACR15 -RT @follower1 @follower2')

11:52am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite in reply to notSoJunkDNA

PS:Q:Post-xl mods of Ago? A:By phosphorylation, for RNA loading (supress reg.), also in nucleolar Ago. 'We're v. interested' #AACR15

11:50am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PS:Q:6,7 vs 8mer variation? Editing? A:Happens sometimes in miRNA targets, not common. Most muts mediated in RNA is in DNA (3' UTR) #AACR15

11:49am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PS:Q:Effect of cleavage of target? A:Many cases miRNAs supp translation via de-adenylation, degradation (~20%, sometimes 2x) #AACR15

11:48am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PS: Competing endogenous RNA (ceRNA) possible for high affinity sites for low abundance but active miRNAs #AACR15

11:46am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PS: Low and intermed levels of miRNA:Target ratio. Because of avail. to detect: should be able to trace activity through the cell #AACR15

11:45am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PS: Shows model of threshold titration (high vs low [RNA]); single-cell reporter confirm predicted resp. But model works w/limits #AACR15

11:44am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PS: About 3K targets/cell, repress about 15%. 8mers most repression, 6mers almost none. Used bidir. promoter, eYFP vs mCherry #AACR15

11:42am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PS: Can model mathematically the competition in response to ceRNA overexp. #AACR15

11:41am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PS: A titration of silencing: ratio of miRNA to target pool predicts site type binding pattern (8,7,6mer shown for mi294, mi92/25) #AACR15

11:40am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PS: miRNA target pool predom. 3' UTR targets; >> levels of most miRNAs. But active miRNAs equimolar ratio to hi affinity targets #AACR

11:38am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PS: 8nt seed sequence; nt resolution of target interaction. Correl. iCLIP reads vs amount of silencing; copies/cell vs targets chart #AACR15

11:37am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PS: Now onto Argonaute-bound small RNA binding '14 Cell ref iCLIP mapping RNA/protein crosslinks #AACR15

11:35am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PS: Pandoli - mRNA compete with PTENP1 mRNA for regulatory miRNAs, promoting tumor growth. '11 Cell ref #AACR15

11:32am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PS: RNA <-> proteins -> Chromatin <-> RNA drawing. Involved with cancer - mode as tumor suppressors, mode as oncogene #AACR15

11:29am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PS:Transcription from the reverse direction, circular RNAs from the splicing pathway. Remember: RNAs all involved in pathways #AACR15

11:28am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite