PS: 'We are living in a revolution of RNA biology, due to very deep sequencing' 'We can sequence 1 RNA/1000 cells' #AACR15
11:25am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
Phil Sharp (MIT MA) "Quantitative analysis of miRNA regulation" PS #AACR15
11:24am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
Carlo Croce (The Ohio State Univ, OH) "Mechanisms of microRNA dysregulation in cancer" #AACR15
11:10am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
AC: Poster Sunday #AACR15 88K women, 47K men: regular aspirin use reduces risk by 5% in this work. Abstract:
9:09am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
AC: Looking at Gene x Env. interaction in '15 JAMA reviews two hits in chr12 & 15 regions w/CRC risk #AACR15
9:03am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
AC: Aspirin, SNP rs6983267 and CRC '14 ref #AACR15
9:00am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
AC: Wnt pathway and aspirin signaling April '15 ref GWAS & CRC: b-catenin binds to TCF4 at rs6983267 #AACR15
8:58am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
AC: Role of 15-PGDH in colon tumorigenicity '09 PNAS '14 ref in connection w/aspirin #AACR15
8:55am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
AC: Early study looks at aspirin & risk of CRC by intratumoral COX-2 expression '07 NEJM Next:15-PGDH #AACR15
8:51am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
AC: Addressing question of stratifiacation of pop. to reduce risk of aspirin: NHS and Health Professional's studies (n=121k, 51k) #AACR15
8:49am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
AC: Weigh of the evidence slide for aspirin in cancer prev #AACR15
8:48am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
AC: Colonoscopy 'effective but with limits'. Data from '13 NEJM #AACR15
8:45am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
Andrew Chan (Mass Gen Hosp MA) "Molecular risk stratification for aspirin chemoprevention" AC #AACR15
8:44am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
DA: From >350 samples, presented data on #AACR15 poster 4252 Tues PM 'very excited'
8:42am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
DA: (Unpublished) whole-methylome data on spec GI ca genes, not present in normal. They have markers for 'every organ site' #AACR15
8:40am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
DA: Universal GI ca screening: aggregate, GI most common ca killer (1/3 WW mortality). Perh: predict tumor site w/site-spec markers #AACR15
8:38am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
DA: Future: cancer surveillance in IBD. CRC at 100%; dysplasia 70% '13 ref #AACR15
8:37am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
DA: Approved screen: ave-risk. Will evolve to younger groups (i.e. 40-49 yo). Potential to prevent CRC for highest risk individuals #AACR15
8:35am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
DA:FP rate over time: every 3y, 3-4%/year. FIT (every year): 4-5%/year. Lower FIT sens? Can't match due to tumor bleeding data #AACR15
8:32am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
DA: Approved for every 3y; sens. for pre-cancerous? CRC (I-II) screen 1 94%. Large pre-cancer: 93% for high-grade displasia 2nd rnd #AACR15
8:31am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
DA: '13 ref showed 98% sens. '14 NEJM ref other test stats 'as good as colonoscopy' #AACR15
8:29am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
DA:Mutant KRAS, methyl BMP3, NDRG4, beta-actin, hemoglobin (FIT) '12 ref using predecessor assay #AACR15
8:26am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
DA: Biological basis: exfoliation, '00 ref slide Device sits on toilet seat, w/preservative #AACR15
8:25am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
DA: Effectiveness is sensitivity x compliance x access; non-invasive and stool test addresses all concerns. #AACR15
8:23am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
DA: Most critical target regions for CRC screening: curable-stage, large adenomas, sessile serrated polyp, all on right side #AACR15
8:22am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
DA: Left-side bias: due to sigmoidoscopy, even colonscopy, fecal occult blood testing. range 60-70%, several studies #AACR15
8:21am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
DA: Cologard (Exact Sciences) MT-sDNA now avail, approved Aug '14. Colorectal (CR) cancer: #2 killer in US; shift toward right side #AACR15
8:20am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
David Ahlquist (Mayo Clinic MN) "Stool DNA detection of colorectal neoplasia: A new high bar for noninvasive screening" DA #AACR15
8:17am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
.@AnotherGuy0 No, TCGA data has already been produced. Peter Jone’s data produced by his NOMe-Seq method.
8:10am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ:Q:Can use NOMe-Seq on human primary cells in culture? A:Underway. Cell lines 'aren't that bad' as models from methylation data #AACR15
7:53am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: Shows photo of a cancer survivor (6y on 5 Aza-C), with a license plate to reflect her enthusiasm for it. #AACR15
7:52am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: Endogenous dsRNA virus genes switch on, switching on inflammatory response is 'the most exciting part' of DNMTi's #AACR15
7:50am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ:con't: PCG gene up, differentiation up; tumor antigens up, immunogenicity up; inflamm. genes up, IFN response up. "Most exciting" #AACR15
7:49am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: Demethylation drug: 'it reboots the genome' 'switch the darn iPad off and on again' p16 up, growth down. MLH1 up, chemosens down #AACR15
7:48am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: Why do pts respond to DNMTi? 'We still don't know.' Multiple pathways upreg by epigenetic therapy. 'A genome-wide drug' #AACR15
7:46am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: '07 paper working with SU2C team and Astex. First DNA methylation inh 'seems to be working better' #AACR15
7:45am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: Now onto targeting for cancer therapy: 2014 'at the tipping point' ref 5-aza-CR, 40y since discovery #AACR15
7:43am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: Bivalent chromatin - H3K27ac charted against DNA methylation - when demethylated, accessibility goes up. #AACR15
7:40am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: Super-enh have 'bivalent' chromatin marks: H3K27ac & extensive methylation. Showed several sides to back it up. #AACR15
7:39am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: About 300 super-enh active. In NOMe-Seq; smaller (8.3kb) are unmeth and accessible H2K17ac marks. #AACR15
7:37am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: Massive enhancer changes in cancer Taberlay 2014 ref Recent excitement: Super-enh #AACR15
7:34am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: Role of DNA demethylation is context-spec: In prom., inc access, phasing, exp. Enh: inc access; Gene body: lowers exp. #AACR15
7:33am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: Shows case where DNA methylation loss results in increased accessibility in discrete genomic regions. #AACR15
7:32am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: Global loss of DNA methylation may affect promoter architecture by nucleosome rearrangement. #AACR15
7:30am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: Take CpG islands, remove methylation: Sometimes histone marks applied, genes come back on; Often: histone mark keeps gene off. #AACR15
7:28am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: Looking at histone marks ass'd with changes: too much to cover, but can see gain of phased nucleosomes, and gained access'ty #AACR15
7:26am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: Didn't expect: nucleosomes rephased in unmethylated to methylated state. 'Beads on a string' moving around. #AACR15
7:25am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: Far more information looking genome-wide. April '15 Lay et al: 12.3K CpG islands all unmeth. But access? #AACR15
7:24am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: Inaccessible region: an enhancer. Another: A CTCF site that blocks access to the enhancer by the promoter #AACR15
7:22am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite
PJ: Log2 signal chart between DNase I and NOMe-seq: shows phasing of nucleosomes (!) repeating pattern. #AACR15
7:21am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite