PJ: Then bisulfite convert, PCR and sequence. Get endogenous DNA 5mC, as well as nucleosome occupancy (GpC sites Nucl. Depl. Region) #AACR15

7:20am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PJ: Detect both open chromatin and 5mC sites: NOMe-Seq 2012 ref: http://t.co/Tp8bG2Ou2q Enzyme M.CvIPI - GpC methyl conversion #AACR15

7:19am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PJ: Need to integrate information across all this methylation. Classic method: DNAse hypersens. Finding open areas. #AACR15

7:17am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PJ: Not addressed today, drivers or passenger? 2012 ref http://t.co/asfYx05kHr #AACR15

7:15am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PJ: DNA methylome in cancer: Berman Nat Gen '11 ref http://t.co/dXgEitWrBu #AACR15

7:14am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PJ: Struct. of B-DNA: 5mC modifies topology. Chihuly's model: illus. 5mC and even 5' hydroxy-meC. (Tet enz.) "crucially impt" #AACR15

7:12am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PJ: Baylin's talk Sun: many genes that modify methylation are mutated in cancers; 'almost every hu ca has a gene' remodels chrom. #AACR15

7:10am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PJ: Gene-body methylation ignored until recently. 'Huge fascination' w/enhancers - open areas. Insulators: 5mC blocks binding CTCF #AACR15

7:09am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PJ: H3K27me3 - a code that signals chromatin to close/open. Most focus has been on TSS starts w/nucleosome depleted regions #AACR15

7:08am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PJ: Illustrates Ac and Me of histones; but today 5Cme. Chromatin remodelers move chromatin around. Pol II can't access nucleosome #AACR15

7:06am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PJ: The 'beads on a string' view Thoma 1979 ref http://t.co/JfqLHxEckT controlling when genes are expressed #AACR15

7:05am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PJ: Gold std for cancer: looking in a microscope at what the chromatin looks like; and starting to understand 'why' #AACR15

7:03am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

PJ: Reminds everyone of Walther Flemming 1879 'Chromatin' termed then for 'color' of the nucleus. Apparent in cancer: altered #AACR15

7:03am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

Peter Jones (Van Andel Res Inst MI) "The Cancer Epigenome" #AACR15 (Sparse audience at 7am - too bad!) (For those not attending...)

7:01am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

RT @nygenome: Can #PrecisionMedicine be more accessible? @MarkARubin1 argues yes. NYGC’s Bloom notes onfeasibility http://t.co/qn1EqZ8YPi

6:05am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

RT @Future_MedX: Immune Cell Cancer Immunotherapy Passes First Safety Test in Solid Tumors http://t.co/jjYDvT0a8z … via @TheStreet

5:32am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

RT @lzamparo: Whoa, the speakers lineup at the @nygenome is amazing. George Church next week, then an Epigenomics symposium in early May.

5:30am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

#AACR15 RT @medical_xpress: #Aspirin may help ward off gastro-intestinal cancers, study finds http://t.co/yTLRDjHLfN

5:05am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

Evidence of Pre-Columbus Trade Found in Alaska House http://t.co/nkhIjwavJ6

4:35am April 20th 2015 via Hootsuite

RT @CancerResearch: Big #immunotherapy news for melanoma, lung cancer, & mesothelioma today at #AACR15. Details in our recap http://t.co

10:48pm April 19th 2015 via Twitter Web Client

MT @Joseph_Santoro: LinkedIn eats the university: #BigData closes competency/capabilities gap in #education & #hr! http://t.co/CVIGn9Eu4

10:30pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

I might be a 3-for-1... RT @Sander1Arts: Want to Be More Successful? Hire These 10 People http://t.co/MUiCVLGbaq

9:20pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

.@timtriche Thanks for the acknowledgement, Tim!

9:04pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite in reply to timtriche

RT @timtriche: @DaleYuzuki one mutation per 15 cigarettes smoked... That is an astounding little gem you got there. Nice work.

9:04pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite in reply to timtriche

CA: Model for post-surgery, post-treatment characterization and development of new targets. http://t.co/FJamRtwj2E #AACR15

6:24pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: Doesn't feel Stage IV disease will have transformative change with existing targeted therapies. But optimism for combo therapy #AACR15

6:21pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA:GDC-0810 is novel, non-steroid selective ER antagonist/degrader wit activity against ESR1 mutations. Posters present add'l data #AACR15

6:17pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: For 1 ER+/HER2-/FGFR1 ampl. individual - durable 2y partial response shown. #AACR15

6:11pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: FGFR1 amplification: showed data of knock-down reducing estrogen-dependent growth. Clovis Oncology is preclinical on FGFR1 inh #AACR15

6:10pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA:WES analysis w/DFCI and the Broad; slide #AACR15 http://t.co/AiTuK0xtDh

6:09pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: Data of delta of KI67 reduction. 22% of ER+ retain high proliferation (KI67) 2w after estrogen deprivation (letrozole) #AACR15

6:05pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: Just finished presurgical clin trial: letrozole in ER+/HER- operable br ca (n=130) Used GenOptix, AQUA (Autom. Quant. Analysis) #AACR15

6:04pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: KI67 2-w after endocrine therapy predicts long-term outcome in ER+ br ca '07 JNCI ref http://t.co/pKULxbtDLV IMPACT trial #AACR15

6:02pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: CDK4 (promotes E2F activation) req'd for homone-indep cell growth. Paloma-1 trial '15 Lancet Oncol ref http://t.co/npViMBOfv3 #AACR15

6:00pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: ER modulates an E2F-directed transcriptional program (estrogen-depleted conditions). Suggests: ER+ escape, drives E2F-xcription #AACR15

5:57pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: Exp data shows ER regulates similar sets of genes upon stim w/estrogen or depletion of estrogen. #AACR15

5:56pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: Using ChIP-Seq - validated loci by ChIP-qPCR from MCF7/LTED and HCC1428/LTED cells. ER: estrogen-indep xcriptional activity #AACR15

5:55pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: ER+ br ca cells that are estrogen indep. continue to rely on ERa even in the absence of ligand. #AACR15

5:53pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: Trial NCT01610284: N1060, called BELLE-2, paired with Dx as companion. 'Next 2y hear a lot more about these for ER+ brca' #AACR15

5:53pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA:PI3K inh BYL719 + letrozole induce clin response with either Wt or mut PIK3CA. Showed pt responses. Feels 'eventually approved' #AACR15

5:51pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: PI3K and PAP3K1 mut's associate w/clin benefit from pan-PI3K inh buparlisib. Luminal A tumors may have the most benefit AACR15

5:50pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: Apoptosis induced by inhibited of PI3K is rescued by low conc. of estradiol. #AACR15

5:48pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: PI3K inh results in upreg. of ERa levels and fn. From MCF7: FOXO3a local to nucleus; siRNA knockdown FOXO3 -> lower ER mRNA #AACR15

5:47pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: GOF mut's; freq ofmuts 47% in exon 9 (helical domain); 33% in exon 20 (Kinase domain) #AACR15 '10 Oncogene ref http://t.co/U35dksIAnO

5:45pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: Majority of ER+ cells in culture: lost phosphatase PTEN or mutant PI3K pathways. Validated in #TCGA data #AACR15

5:44pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: Role of PI3K pathway alterations, role in hormone dep. PI3K pathway inhibitors prevent acquired hormone-indep ER+ br ca cells #AACR15

5:43pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite

CA: Her2 kinase can restore tamoxifen action; '03 ref http://t.co/8mhFChYSXi ER+ tumors, better for ER antagonist or downregulator #AACR15

5:40pm April 19th 2015 via Hootsuite