Griffith: DoCM requires published relevance: both clinical and functional evidence. Gap in clinical interpretations #TCGC15

11:18am June 23rd 2015 via Hootsuite

Griffith: DoCM moves beyond gene level - has API for interoperability. Muts relevant to ca 751 vars from 74 genes and 69 ca types #TCGC15

11:17am June 23rd 2015 via Hootsuite

Griffith: DGIdb allows known drug-gene interactions to query V2 to be complete in Aug, 22 sources data, 37K interactions, 9.1K drugs #TCGC15

11:15am June 23rd 2015 via Hootsuite

Griffith: DGIdb, DoCM, CIViC: Drug-gene interaction, db of Curated Muts, CIViC #TCGC15

11:14am June 23rd 2015 via Hootsuite

Griffith: CIViCs is for comprehensive interpretation. Shows Found. Med. sample rpt. 'clin significance of var's a non-trivial task' #TCGC15

11:12am June 23rd 2015 via Hootsuite

Griffith: CNV, SV, SNVs, Indels, GEx, pipeline here upcoming publication in PLOS Bio #TCGC15

11:10am June 23rd 2015 via Hootsuite

Griffith:Tech dev - if $ (and time) were no object, what could clinical cancer genomics look like? #TCGC15

11:08am June 23rd 2015 via Hootsuite

Griffith: Is part of genomics tumor board, exome and panels; diverse clinical goals. Also: clinical tech dev - cases explored deeply #TCGC15

11:07am June 23rd 2015 via Hootsuite

Griffith: Omics map of sequencing capacity Now have an X10, sequencing tumors at scale. #TCGC15

11:06am June 23rd 2015 via Hootsuite

Malachi Griffith (WashU) CIViC - Clinical intepretation of variants in cancer #TCGC15 @malachigriffith

11:04am June 23rd 2015 via Hootsuite

Human trials for bionic eye with 'wireless brain chip' to start next year -

10:45am June 23rd 2015 via Post with Klout

RT @bjornkuiper: These hackers warned the Internet would become a security disaster. Nobody listened. | WaPo

10:40am June 23rd 2015 via Hootsuite

RT @genome_gov: Bone up on cloning facts before heading to see the new Jurassic World movie!

9:40am June 23rd 2015 via Hootsuite

Mentor and Mentee: You Can Be Both -

8:55am June 23rd 2015 via Post with Klout

Fluidigm's Single-Cell ATAC-seq Now Available to C1 Users - Analyst Blog -

8:39am June 23rd 2015 via Post with Klout

RT @bengoldacre: In almost every industry sponsored head-to-head trial, the sponsor co. gets the answer they want.

8:25am June 23rd 2015 via Hootsuite in reply to bengoldacre

RT @theNCI: The rate of new cases for all U.S. cancers combined continued to fall from '02-'11

7:50am June 23rd 2015 via Hootsuite

.@AllSeq @BarbourAnalytix At #AGBT15 both speakers who used ONT did not make any public comments about accuracy, so any word was off-record

7:48am June 23rd 2015 via Hootsuite in reply to AllSeq

Sequencing Ebola in the field: a tale of nanopores, mosquitos and whatsapp

6:45am June 23rd 2015 via Hootsuite

RT @AACR: Exploring the next generation of anti-#EGFR therapies: #EAS2015

5:15am June 23rd 2015 via Hootsuite

Technophrenia: What are we afraid of, really? — Bad Words — Medium

4:30am June 23rd 2015 via Hootsuite

.@MolecPath Sure - it was arthritis caused by the overly high amounts of Fe in blood. Rx was regular blood donations.

10:18pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite in reply to MolecPath

The Hunt for the Financial Industry's Most-Wanted Hacker - Bloomberg Business #longread

9:05pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

Hold on to Your Seats: NASA Breathes New Life Into Supersonic Flight - GE Reports

8:55pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

van 't Veer: Big data: NIH's BD2K Global Alliance 4 Genomics and Health #TCGC15

8:31pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

van 't Veer: Second graduate - Neratinib for HER2+/HR- signature. 79% prob of PIII trial success #TCGC15

8:22pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

RT @ISBNathanPrice: The latest about our pilot study this year to minimize disease and enhance wellness in 100 individuals.…

8:18pm June 22nd 2015 via Twitter Web Client

van 't Veer: Veliparib, 72 pts enrolled, and graduated for TNBC subtype. Est pCR rate was 2x the concurrent control (26% to 52%) #TCGC15

8:17pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

van 't Veer: 85% predicted likelihood of success; pCR is end-point. Bayes probability scores, est. pCR rates by signatures #TCGC15

8:16pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

van 't Veer: An adaptive design for new experimental drugs to enter (and exit) the trial. 4y to approval, already 2 graduated in 2y #TCGC15

8:15pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

van 't Veer:1435 registered. Accel. FDA endpoint saving a lot of time for this trial. Add'l randomization based on tumor biology #TCGC15

8:13pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

van 't Veer: I SPY 2: serial biopsy, imaging: 5 expt'l arms in parallel. Pts tumor size >2.5cm; Mammaprint high-risk ID'd #TCGC15

8:05pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

van 't Veer: Strategies for high risk cancers: tumor immune env, PARPi, Myc inh, Notch inh, TORQ 1/2 for PI3K, TKI's for HER2 #TCGC15

8:00pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

van 't Veer: "Companion therapeutics in the I-SPY 2 Breast Cancer Trial" - 30% of high-risk women - tumor gone; 70% room to improve #TCGC15

7:59pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

Laura J van 't Veer (UCSF) "Big data in translational cancer genomics" #TCGC15

7:56pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

Price:Q:How will the $ work? Pay to participate? A:Opt-in is below-cost. Year 1 "a few thousand $" #TCGC15

7:55pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

Price: Looked at GWAS results for elevated risk: hypertension med, bilirubin levels, IBD. Fitbit activity - 3 markers assoc'd #TCGC15

7:51pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

Price:Seeing clear patterns even with simplistic layering of information. Genetic risk across many variables. #TCGC15

7:46pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

Price: Microbiome results: highly diverse. Looked at composition to genetic risk for Crohn's: risk: linked to verrucomicrobia #TCGC15

7:45pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

Price: Overproducing iron: could see high Fe level, made Dx, treatment via monthly blood donation, breakdown of cartilage ceased #TCGC15

7:39pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

Price: Genetics plus environment: diet, lifestyle, pollution, medications, toxins. One person: hemochromatosis, cartilage breakdown #TCGC15

7:38pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

Price: Diabetes markers improved 33% in 6 mo. HbA1c improved 38%; HOMA improved 55% - importance of coaching. 7 prediabetic->normal #TCGC

7:37pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

Price: Lab tests: Everyone had actionable recommendations. 68% inflamm, 54% diabetes risk, 59% cardiovascular. Showed 6mo imprvmt #TCGC15

7:35pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

Price: WGS, labwork, proteome, microbiome, metabolome. Circos-style plot with lines running across. Thousands of datapoints plotted #TCGC15

7:33pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

Price: Take Larry Smarr 'times 100'; then 'times 100K'. Ages: 20's to >88. Showed statistical correlations between many points #TCGC15

7:32pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

Price: Data integration, monthly coaching sessions on actionable data. History, traits, lab results, genome, tracking datasets #TCGC15

7:30pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

Price: Pioneer 100: 9mo study started Mar 2014, IRB. WGS, blood, urine, saliva 3x, gut microbiome 3x, continual self-tracking... #TCGC15

7:29pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

Price: Many parameters, all diseases simultaneously. Cost at scale? Had to show value to justify cost. Origin, transitions to state #TCGC15

7:28pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

Price: Quantifying wellness - following individuals for 20-30y. Need large #'s of people for a long time. What to learn from 100K? #TCGC15

7:26pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite

Price: Reviews aging population in dev world, P4 medicine's promise "personalized, predictive, preventive, participatory" #TCGC15

7:22pm June 22nd 2015 via Hootsuite