So long to the (data) silos : Nature Biotechnology
1:45pm April 10th 2016 via Hootsuite
Google's biotech venture hit by ethical concerns over deal with luxury clinic - STAT Andrew Conrad in the news..
12:40pm April 10th 2016 via Hootsuite
The Real Cost of Sequencing | MassGenomics
10:15am April 10th 2016 via Hootsuite
Theranos bolsters scientific board after independent technology review - FierceMedicalDevices
9:55am April 10th 2016 via Hootsuite
Tackling the financial toll of cancer, one patient at a time - The Washington Post
8:32am April 10th 2016 via Hootsuite
White Paper: Alternative Proposals for Lab Test Regulation: Are There Opportunities for Consensus? | GenomeWeb
9:05am April 8th 2016 via Hootsuite
Collins Calls for Additional NIH Funding Amid Debate Over Mandatory Spending | GenomeWeb
8:05am April 8th 2016 via Hootsuite
Merck, Sysmex Inostics Garner CE Mark for Liquid Biopsy CRC Test | GenomeWeb
7:30am April 8th 2016 via Hootsuite
Velox BioSystems Aims to Develop 'IC 3D' Microdroplet Technology for Clinical, Other Applications | GenomeWeb $
6:25am April 8th 2016 via Hootsuite
NCI to Fund Research on Effects of Biospecimen Variability on Assay Development | GenomeWeb
10:35am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Just gave a talk at #MDxE16 on @seracare ctDNA reference material products, and a kind gentleman told me it was a 'great talk'. (Whew!)
5:27am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Guldberg: Their sample was only 1mL of urine. Sensitivity could be driven higher. #MDxE16
4:51am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Guldberg: Showed FGFR3 dPCR results even 13.8y prior to Dx. Bar chart of time distribution from <1 to >18y. TERT, FGFR3, or both #MDxE
4:44am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Guldberg: From a Diet, Cancer and Health study (ended Dec '12), 606 participants w/bladder ca Dx. Had samples from 4y before Dx #MDxE16
4:43am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Guldberg: Early detection in bladder ca: showed relative 5y survival by stage. T1 88%, T2 63%, T3 46%. #MDxE16
4:40am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Guldberg: Sens 97%, Spec 76%, PPV 52%, NPV 99%. Cystoscopy: 92% sens, 57% spec. NPV for this test a big plus #MDxE16
4:37am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Guldberg: n=475, 48 w/non-invasive tumors, 44 had >=T1, 7 carcinoma in-situ, 376 normal. Readout via dPCR shown #MDxE16
4:36am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Guldberg: Designed for pt or health-care provider use. Showed data of clear enrichment from device cp to sediment (centrifuge) smpl #MDxE16
4:35am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Guldberg: Spent time to develop device for collection and storage of cells from urine, shows device that collects then lyse cells #MDxE16
4:33am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Guldberg: They use 8um filtration; cp to centrifugation, showed data how much better (BCL2 promoter hypermethylation) #MDxE16
4:32am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Guldberg: Can increase sens by using multiple DNA markers; increasing sens of detection (they use dPCR), and larger sampling #MDxE16
4:31am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Guldberg: In Denmark, 1.6k cases/y, but 32K flexible cystoscopies/year. Urine-based tests have sens from 50-80%. #MDxE16
4:29am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Guldberg: But <10% who are positive via this method actually have bladder ca - low specificity. Followed-up every 4 months #MDxE16
4:28am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Guldberg: For bladder ca, cystoscopy is an invasive and costly technique, FN's may be detected via urinary cytology or CT. #MDxE16
4:27am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Guldberg: Pulls up Vogelstein's 1991 paper still not there yet - bladder ca detection from urine #MDxE16
4:26am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Guldberg: Unpublished, blinded study. Urine is a complex specimen. Transrenal DNA, cells from urinary tract, cfDNA from cells #MDxE16
4:24am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Per Guldberg (Danish Cancer Society Denmark) Urine DNA testing for early and non-invasive detection of bladder cancer #MDxE16
4:23am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Noehammer: After genome-wide miRNA, 644 detected, large overlap between serum, saliva tissues, validated 28 via qPCR #MDxE16
4:18am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Noehammer: In general didn't observe many CpG differences betw. serum and saliva. X/Y chr sex difference observed #MDxE16
4:14am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Noehammer: Serum- and saliva (10mL and 15mL) w/150ng bisulfite-converted DNA on Illumina 450 methylation array #MDxE16
4:12am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Noehammer: Cp of 3 methods, 4 kits compared, n=4 healthy donors, used 10-plex miRNA qPCR; Exiqon's has lowest Ct #MDxE16
4:11am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Noehammer: Exosomes: 20-120nm; in all biological fluids; protein, mRNA, miRNA, also DNA. Surface proteins exclusive to exosomes #MDxE16
4:09am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Noehammer: Quotes Goethe (Faust) "Blood is a very special juice"; but also saliva (1-1.5 litres/d) #MDxE16
4:06am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Noehammer: Their poster here at #MDxE16 uses protein nanorods for detection. Their biomarkers cut across - DNA, RNA, protein, methylation
4:05am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Noehammer: Focus at their institute - non-invasive applied molecular diagnostics. 5 areas incl assay dev, biosensors, and POC #MDxE16
4:04am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
Christa Noehammer (Austrian Inst Tech): Epigenetic biomarker profiling in serum- and saliva-derived exosomes #MDxE16
4:02am April 7th 2016 via Hootsuite
RT @ecancer: Precision medicine brings "new hope" to those with advanced urothelial cancer:
8:55pm April 6th 2016 via Hootsuite
Meet the Cancer Moonshot Experts | GenomeWeb
7:35pm April 6th 2016 via Hootsuite
Nanopore Sequencing Identifies Methylation Marks With Help From New Statistical Methods | GenomeWeb
5:35pm April 6th 2016 via Hootsuite
RT @EricBoodman: Beautiful video. @carlzimmer the presence of DNA in our cells is an amazing act of origami.
3:25pm April 6th 2016 via Hootsuite
Thierry: Sensitivity 'very important'. 106 mCRC pts, shows related K-M curves. #MDxE16
11:44am April 6th 2016 via Hootsuite
Thierry: 52% of KRAS (12,13) mutant samples missed by tumor tissue analysis. AF <0.01% may explain drug resistance #MDxE16
11:43am April 6th 2016 via Hootsuite
Thierry: Conclude: 95.5% of plasma found mutants before or during treatment. 80% initially WT acquired pt mutations #MDxE16
Thierry: Discordance between tumor and plasma analysis - 0.5% cutoff in first study, 16/26 'FP' samples would have been WT. #MDxE16
11:36am April 6th 2016 via Hootsuite
Thierry: 4% have both KRAS and BRAF; multiple mutations in 13%. This time are more sensitive. #MDxE16
11:33am April 6th 2016 via Hootsuite
Thierry: 2nd study (called Kplex2) w/tisue and plasma of mCRC; just-in-time analysis of plasma, n=120 pts w/matched tissue/plasma #MDxE16
11:32am April 6th 2016 via Hootsuite
Thierry: Thy did the first clinical validation with KRAS, BRAF in mCRC with a cutoff at 0.5% '14 Nature Med #MDxE16
11:30am April 6th 2016 via Hootsuite
Thierry: Progress for ctDNA: mCRC predictive info CDx, mCRC Rx monitoring #MDxE16
11:26am April 6th 2016 via Hootsuite
Thierry: New title: Circulating DNA as next-generation diagnostics #MDxE16
11:24am April 6th 2016 via Hootsuite
Alain Thierry (INSERM France): Clinical validation of the analysis of circulating DNA for theranostics and strategy for follow-up #MDxE16
11:20am April 6th 2016 via Hootsuite