Govindan: Sampling a tumor with a fine needle - versus looking at the entire hetergeneous mix in the bloodstream. #PMWC17

6:01pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Govindan: Tumor heterogeneity - a single biopsy may be misleading - as different areas will have different subclone derived cells #PMWC17

6:00pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Govindan: JAMA '16 prospectively comparing ctDNA vs tissue - 3 weeks longer for tissue #PMWC17

5:58pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Govindan: Showed data from this Roche cobas clinical trial ref '15 #PMWC17

5:56pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Govindan: EGFR mutant drugs (erlotinib) K-M curve: 10.4mos vs 5.1mos. New drug osimertinib, mut-spec, plasma comparable to tissue #PMWC17

5:54pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Govindan: With these pts - getting biopsy is very hard. Will talk about ctDNA and Rx for EGFR mutant NSCLC; tumor het; and prognosis #PMWC17

5:52pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Govindan: Have seen 50 nodules disappear in a week; ROS1+ NSCLC image; a few weeks almost completely cleared. #PMWC17

5:51pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Govindan: mNSCLC before/after erlotinib: dramatic difference, in mutant EGFR mutant disease. Higher % in Asia (40%) due to smoking #PMWC17

5:50pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Ramaswamy Govindan (WashU SOM) ctDNA in the treatment of lung cancer #PMWC17

5:49pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Rosenfeld: Showed sensitivity data, >95% at 0.1% now. Can envision pt-specific panels to characterize changes over time during Rx #PMWC17

5:47pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Rosenfeld: Inivata has now raised $45M series A and opened up NAm presence. Showed 10-fold increase in sensitivity #AACR15 #PMWC17

5:44pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Rosenfeld: '12 ref of method: first discovery of mutation from plasma alone - confirmed EGFR in tissue #PMWC17

5:43pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Rosenfeld:Amplicon - for smaller panels, better sens. Hybrid capture - has experience loss of sensitivity. Their method TAm-Seq #PMWC17

5:42pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Rosenfeld: Distinguishes PCR-based vs NGS-based methods. Shows fig from '13 ref and the case for monitoring #PMWC17

5:40pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Rosenfeld: Single analyte via dPCR (high sens) up to WGS (high coverage) and in-between - targeted, and capture #PMWC17

5:37pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Rosenfeld: Shows fig from Bettegowda STM '14 paper, illustrating spread of allele fractions, increasing w/cancer progression #PMWC17

5:36pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Nitzan Rosenfeld (Inivata) Targeted deep sequencing of circulating tumor DNA #PMWC17

5:35pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Morris: ctDNA is used for: Earlier Dx; select Rx; monitor disease; molecular profiling #PMWC17

5:34pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Clive Morris (Inivata) Clinical applications of ctDNA in cancer management. Intro list of company logos (resolution bio, saga, TMO) #PMWC17

5:33pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Pal: What happens when dirty data meets data liquidity? There has to be some kind of hygiene - to clean it up, like wastewater #PMWC17

5:31pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Pal: Individual to device to medical record and normalized for care. Now working with Pharma for pt-oriented clinical trials #PMWC17

5:30pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Pal: Data of all types: family history, pt-reported device data; social, env data; medical and financial claims. Holistic view of pt #PMWC17

5:28pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Pal: Need for intramural collaboration (extramural too); where to put the data, access to IT resources. Basically $ and people #PMWC17

5:26pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Pal: He works with a lot of heathcare systems worldwide; there are two main challenges: Acquisition of data, Utilization of data #PMWC17

5:25pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Pal:And greater expansion of applicable uses - where people are at risk, what to do about it. And greater utililization #PMWC17

5:20pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Pal: PM 'is not new'. Innovation relates to scale - greater pace and volume of discovery, access to clin insight, testing #PMWC17

5:19pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Summerpal Kahlon (Oracle) Intelligent care: translating data into insight #PMWC17 Starts with a photo of a small community hospital.

5:17pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Kollu: Privacy; data ownership; incentives; infrastructure; standardization. ACMG statement: #PMWC17

5:13pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Kollu: Needs automated interpretation, and brief human review (15 min). Depends on data sharing - plenty of barriers #PMWC17

5:11pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Kollu: Estimates $10B has been spent on WGS/WES interpretation; makes the case that cost of interpretation needs to drop like seq #PMWC17

5:10pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Kollu: Points to two references - Monroe et al, effectiveness of WES ; Soden et al 50% cases changes care #PMWC17

5:09pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Kollu: Shows large chart of Dx yeidl from '13 through '16: from 22% and rising to as high as 55%-66% depending on condition #PMWC17

5:07pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Kollu: Kingsmore's '12 STM ref Dx of neonates offers closure for the parents #PMWC17

5:06pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Kollu:20M in the US are affected by rare disease; 30% are dead in 5y. Cumbersome to diagnose. 7.6y to Dx in US. NICU is $8K/day #PMWC17

5:04pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Gautum Kollu (Illumina) Whole genome sequencing: the final frontier #PMWC17 Today's talk - undiagnosed and rare disease. 1/200K or less freq

5:03pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

LeProust: Competitor analysis at CSHL via NGS of the pools of sgRNAs. Can make site saturation libraries; showed representation data #PMWC17

4:58pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

LeProust: Do oligo pools; can do genome-wide CRISPR, with Desktop Genetics for designs. 98% of sgRNAs w/1 mismatch: lost act. #PMWC17

4:55pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

LeProust: Believe they have the largest capacity; 9c/base (cp to 20c - 25c/base). >70K gene capacity in '16. Scaling 12-fold '17 #PMWC17

4:54pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

LeProust: >1M oligos on a single silicon chip. 121 unique oligos/nanowell. Able to go up to 1.8kb - for drug dev, gene editing #PMWC17

4:52pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

LeProust: Reviews some applications of synthetic biology for sustainability - method for malaria Rx, NK reprogramming #PMWC17

4:49pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Emily LeProust (Twist Biosciences) Rewriting DNA synthesis. More (synthetic) genes, faster, cheaper. #PMWC17

4:48pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Q: Magic wand, what to change? Chen: Getting better alignment of incentives and interests. Mega: How to show value to individuals #PMWC17

3:29pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Utiramerur: Another case - cerebellar ataxia, datasharing efforts impt as all datasets are not equal #PMWC17

3:26pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Utiramerur: (Prior case in Euan Ashley's intro, where chronic heart condition suspected genetic defect but sequencing missed) #PMWC18

3:25pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Utiramerur: Long-read sequencing: sequencing is not a solved problem. 2kb heterozygous del in PRKAR1A gene, Roche Sequel picked up #PMWC17

3:24pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Utiramerur: loom is their cloud workflow engeine - multi-step distributed workflows. Separates analysis from execution of methods #PMWC17

3:23pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Utiramerur: Mechanisms for reprod and traceability: a Genome Information Mgmt System - abstracts away the HW layer. GIMS cloud-run #PMWC17

3:22pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Utiramerur: Dx yield is about 30%: how to improve? Clinical: repeatable, traceable. Shows all instruments, methods, sources.#PMWC17

3:20pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Sowmi Utiramerur (Stanford Healthcare) Genomics-assisted precision medicine Promises and Challenges #PMWC17

3:19pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite

Mega: Concludes with Nightscout, an individual who hacked glucose data measurements for benefit of other pts #PMWC17

3:18pm January 23rd 2017 via Hootsuite