Patel: Showing E coli data, size distribution of reads looks comparable; mean RL 4.4kb vs 4.5kb manual. Alignment 85% vs 88% #Tricon

5:16pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Patel: Has an automated library prep platform, showed data with 48kb library prep vs manual; DNA yield comparable #Tricon

5:14pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Kamlesh Patel (Sandia NL): Portable sequencing: fundamentals in seq technology with nanopores, sample prep and data analysis #Tricon

5:13pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Q: source of noise in ddPCR? Singh: some get mutant and WT both templates are there #Tricon

3:08pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Singh: Points out the importance of using controls - (SeraCare has them.) #Tricon

3:07pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Singh: They can use cell-culture DNA as a surrogate. #Tricon

3:05pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Singh: Showed LoD studies, down to 0.3%; blow that was not consistent. 3 droplets was their cutoff #Tricon

3:05pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Singh: RET M918T test is via ddPCR; showed validation cohort n=63. They use 10ng input; cp ccfDNA and FFPE. R^2=9.94 Pyro vs dPCR #Tricon

3:04pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Singh: Test for melanoma, lung ca, medullary thryroid for ctDNA #Tricon

3:01pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Singh: Shows scan of plasma ccfDNA and FFPE, with 140bp peak. Are not enthusiastic about synthetics. #Tricon

3:00pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Singh: ccfDNA technology choices paper '15 PLoS #Tricon

2:58pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Singh: Did cp of QIASymphony vs manual of 3mL plasma; showed comparable yield and Alu115/Alu247 also very similar #Tricon

2:57pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Singh: Purple tops are oka, but only within 16h; shows Mehrotra JMD (under review) data #Tricon

2:56pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Singh: For testing platforms - Allele-spec qPCR/ddPCR/NGS/BEAMing? DNA input? workflow, sensitivity? #Tricon

2:54pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Singh: We are taking NGS tumor assays that were 5% or 2% and pushing the limit. Logistics - what to isolate? How? #Tricon

2:53pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Rajesh Singh (MD Anderson TX) Mutation screening of liquid biopsies: technical challenges. #Tricon

2:51pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Luthra: Challenges - lack of harmonization for pre-analytic steps such as peri blood collection, storage, ctDNA isolation #Tricon

2:50pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Luthra: Feb 17 single-gene test by ddPCR, developed in-house. Has collaboration with Guardant Health, co-develop 73 cancer genes #Tricon

2:49pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Luthra: Pt w/colon ca, adjuvant Rx, relapse 1y, plasma at 14mo 39% in plasma but 0% PIK3CA tissue, clonal divergence? #Tricon

2:47pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Luthra:.MDACC case studies; Stg IV Colon ca; deep seq w/ Ampliseq; chemo. Found 1% plasma, not in tissue, later found 0.2% in tissue #Tricon

2:46pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Luthra: Looking at RET M918T in medullary thyroid carcinoma: If >1%, poor survival. (Master's degree student project) #Tricon

2:44pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Luthra:Correlation of BRAF with clinical outcome: BRAFi and MEKi '16 ref Looked at BRAF V600E #Tricon

2:43pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Luthra: And concordance bet tissue and ctDNA is 32% (panc) to 97% (colorectal). #Tricon

2:39pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Luthra: ccfDNA is from both normal and tumor cells; shows long list of 9 references with concordance across cancer types, genes, ct #Tricon

2:38pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Luthra: ctDNA discovered in 1947; but decades to develop. Applications for monitoring, MRD, resistance det, tumor burden #Tricon

2:36pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Raja Luthra (MD Anderson TX) Mutation screening of liquid biopsies: promise and clinical utility #Tricon

2:34pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Q:How much DNA into assay? Scudder: 2mL plasma, not quantitated #Tricon

2:32pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: #Tricon AstraZeneca published AURA3 in '16 NEJM Erlotinib approved in summer '16, other approved later

2:31pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: Osimertinib, clin utility of PPA L858R also 75%. NPA also 98%. Tissue neg, plasma pos, 'considered wrong, affecting stats' #Tricon

2:29pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: Clin response: improved PFS from both plasma and tissue. EGFR+ in tissue and plasma, similar benefit #Tricon

2:28pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: Agreement between tissue and plasma, PPA 76%, NPA 98%. #Tricon

2:28pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: In the meantime their sample prep kit was approved. Detected 0.3% in wt background. PPA 87% for ex90del/L858R #Tricon

2:27pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: Found untreated Stg IV recurrent NSCLC, FDA allowed it. 'Now even more complex'. Two clinical trials: clin and analytic #Tricon

2:26pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: Clinical validation - 217 enrolled, 180 w/2mL of plasma, not enough for analytical studies. #Tricon

2:25pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: Used contrived samples, diluting cell line DNA in healthy donor plasma; showed commutability, equiv results at LOD conc #Tricon

2:24pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: FDA requested cancer plasma, not normal plasma for NSCLC. Est 32L of plasma (!) FDA 'were ultimately receptive' #Tricon

2:23pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder:Used allele-spec PCR tech, multiplexed for tissue. Did IUO erlotinib Ex19del L858R, UD-IVD; osimertinib, T790M US-IVD #Tricon

2:22pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: #Tricon Clinical drug resp is ultimate indicator of how good the drug will be. ddPCR hard to multiplex

2:21pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: v2 was similar to the first one; 3-well test (too much info too fast). AURA2: NCT02094261, EGFR T790M+, first-line prog #Tricon

2:20pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: erlotinib and osimertinib, a whole other level of complexity. (US-IVD most challenging) #Tricon

2:18pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: Drives need for constructing contrived (synthetic) samples to evaluate test performance. Pharma interest to co-dev #Tricon

2:18pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: Most had EGFR of <200 copies/mL (!) Had to work with IRB, ICF, HIPAA rules, population is ill. 40mL blood max #Tricon

2:17pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: Prospective collection and time to screen; 'spent $2M just buying samples from vendors'. 1000 specimens, to find 80 w/muts #Tricon

2:16pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: In '13 - no validated methods, no int'l stds, EGFR Mut Test v2 det 42 mutations under dev. Had to validate LOD etc #Tricon

2:16pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: #Tricon Reviewed results from '14 ref activating mutations persist in plasma

2:15pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: #Tricon Clearing ct EGFR DNA, increased OS and PFS. Predictive for survival. Denmark study next

2:12pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: FASTACT-2 PhIII study was Erlotinib and chemo, and EGFR +/- status comparing tumor to plasma #Tricon

2:11pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: 166bp or 140bp, half-life of 1.5h. Naked DNA lasts only a few minutes. Shows long list of genes #Tricon

2:10pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: Platelets are 'basically a large exosome'; CTCs, ctDNA, small vesicles. Most ctDNA is histone-assoc'd. #Tricon

2:08pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite

Scudder: Challenges 'could be significant' at times. Drawing from cancer cells are constantly growing/dying #Tricon

2:07pm February 22nd 2017 via Hootsuite