Gunn: 40M reads/sample; showed 100% sens/spec for 1.5%, 0.5%, for both products. For 0.25%, 95-100% sens/spec. Also…

2:18pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Gunn: Product 1: targeted kit; Product 2: expanded kit. Both have 17 key genes in targeted kit; expanded an add'l 60 genes #AMP2017

2:14pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Gunn: Input is 4mL plasma; FRUO; CNV, SNV, indels and fusions; software and report with secondary analysis as an automated report #AMP2017

2:14pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Gunn: In-house development, bioinformatics, purchase existing kit, all possible. With Roche: Early-access across 3…

2:13pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Gunn: ResearchDx is a CDX-development lab. A 'Contract Dx Organization' in Irvine CA: who was faced with the request in '16 #AMP2017

2:10pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Gunn: Hard to gauge demand, given phlebotomy oncology samples going straight to testing labs #AMP2017

2:09pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Gunn: LB promise less invasiveness, lower cost, longitundinal monitoring, better outcomes. Seeing sporadic adoption across the US. #AMP2017

2:08pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Gunn: FFPE was 'never intended for long-term storage of nucleic acids'. Tissue biopsy disadvantages: invasive, adve…

2:08pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Gunn: From a pathologist's perspective: they are trying to adapt. Clear advantages: improved TAT, preservation of F…

2:05pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Gunn:Introduction of this kit 'has enabled us to enter the liquid biopsy era'. Intorduction to the kit - multiple tumor types. #AMP2017

2:04pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Roche Workshop: Shelly Gunn (ResearchDx/PacificDx) A lab's perspective: evaluating the new AVENIO ctDNA analysis kits #AMP2017

2:02pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Longshore: Combine both tissue and plasma samples on the same plate. Commentary on NGS: cumbersome, seems overkill…

12:35pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Longshore: Points out how quick real-time cobas 480 results are compared to a 50-gene NGS one; also high sample fai…

12:25pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Longshore: but 50-gene NGS seems 'quite a waste' for KRAS, NRAS and BRAF. Utility of cobas z 480: many have them on…

12:23pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Longshore: KRAS 12, 13 and 61: 12%. Expanded RAS: 17% of add'l pts. 61, 117, 148. NRAS mutations, and BRAF another…

12:21pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Longshore: Many CDx collaborations. Shows a photo of a KRAS codon 12,13 and 61 giant stack of paperwork. "A robust amount of work." #AMP2017

12:21pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

John Longshore (Carolinas Pathology Group) start with their Healtcare system - very large for the Carolinas, base…

12:19pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Roche: Showed MiSeq comparative method, good concordance; and full-process experiments. Can use 'Semi Quantative In…

12:14pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Roche: For BRAF/NRAS in plasma: spiking expt. 7 BRAF / 9 NRAS down to 0.03%; others at 0.13%,. 5 at higher MAF #AMP2017

12:12pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Roche: 1 at 5% AF, 4 at 2.5% MAF, 31 at 1% MAF from plasma. Using FFPE showed 100% at 5%, all but two at 2.5% MAF done in duplicate #AMP2017

12:11pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Roche: KRAS v2: 28 mutations in exons 2/3/4; also includes codon 61, 145, 49, 117. Total of BRAF/NRAS and KRAS is 6…

12:08pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Roche: 11 BRAF, 25 NRAS; several exon 11 mutations, also K601E for exploratory purposes. For NRAS, Exon 4 and 3 as well. #AMP2017

12:06pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Roche: Expanding the Scientific Body of Knowledge with the New BRAF/NRAS Mutation Test and KRAS MutationTest v2 for…

12:05pm November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Q: Specific recommendations for pre-analytical handling? Promega: Have used both EDTA and Streck, recommend double spins. #AMP2017

11:37am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Promega: Developed a concentration cartridge for 1mL binding events to process up to 4mL plasma. 1mL spread across…

11:27am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Promega: Have Maxwell RSC DNA FFPE and RNA FFPE kits; xylene-free protocol; manual or automated; <1h extraction time #AMP2017

11:18am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Promega: Offers portal software to track samples across modules, network accessible, unified reporting. #AMP2017

11:15am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Promega: Now has Maxprep liquid handler for preprocessing: ProK, lysis; incubate, plunger placement and elution. Tr…

11:11am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Promega: "Modular Automation Workflows for Maxwell® Nucleic Acid Extraction of Molecular Oncology Sample Types Such…

11:10am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Promega: Maxwell RSC 48 now equipped with a camera. Checking what's on the table vs. what you've said is there. 2x…

11:08am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

RT @Tecan_Talk: Visiting #SLC for #AMP2017? Don't forget to take a selfie with the ‘You Are Here’ art installation…

10:55am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Q: Is the Oncomine Dx now available? Duncan: Yes, since Sept. Q: Concern about false positives? Ma: Strict cut-off:…

10:49am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Ma: "This is not the future, this is now." Further increase in sens. would be through error-correction algorithms;…

10:40am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Ma: Found a T790M EGFR resistance mutation, from two separate aliquots. Same mutation showed up from separate sampl…

10:38am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Ma: Have found all mutations found in tumor tissue biopsy (EGFR, KRAS, PIK3CA etc) Goes through one case: Stg IV, P…

10:37am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Ma: 'In our case, a false-positive is definitely a no-no.' Shows a chart of genes, alleles, and allele frequencies…

10:36am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Ma: Sens 85%, Spec 99%, down to 0.1%. Sens achieved via barcoding. Allows distinguishing error from true mutation #AMP2017

10:33am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Ma: Challenges: Pt frailty - 17% of biopsies resulted in complications; insufficient material (5% of EGFR single-ge…

10:32am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Ma:Stats around lung ca: 80-85% NSCLC, 15-20% SCLC. EGFR, BRAF, ALK/ROS1 fusion, MET amp all offer specific treatment options #AMP2017

10:31am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Ma: A needle in a haystack, 'but the needle looks different'. Shows sensitivity chart - Sanger at 10-20%, Pyro 5-10…

10:30am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Ma: cfDNA released from both healthy and tumor cells; apoptosis, necrosis and secretion. Unstable: 20-30ng per 5mL,…

10:29am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Ma: Tumors shed intact cells (CTCs), cellular components (cfDNA and cfRNA) and also exosomes, cell-membrane derived vesicles #AMP2017

10:27am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Ma: Also biospy tissue limited: greater demand due to molecular profiling, surgery is costly (about $37K cost) #AMP2017

10:27am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Ma:Points out that biopsy is invasive - patient may be in poor condition, or tumor inaccessible; impractical for pr…

10:25am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Ma: Defines liquid biopsy, with figure from Diaz et al ASCO 32:579 (2014). Advantages: real-time eval and monitorin…

10:25am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Charles Ma (Cancer Genetics Inc) Thermo workshop: "Cell-free DNA and lung cancer clinical research" #AMP2017

10:23am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Thermo: conlcude 'NGS can simplify elaborate testing algorithms and consolidate workflow.' Speaker: Daniel Duncan,…

10:23am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Thermo: Graphed number of slides consumed per single-gene test (as many as 18 slides for 7 genes) vs 1 for Oncomine…

10:21am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Thermo: Retrospective analysis at IASLC world conf in lung ca: shows distribution that Core Needle Biopsy (n=1,029)…

10:18am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite

Thermo: Shows NCCN guidelines - BRAF V600E, ROS1, EGFR exon 19 del and Exon 21 L858R. Add'l targets listed, points…

10:16am November 15th 2017 via Hootsuite