Stumpe: Shows video. (Wow what production values Google $ can buy.) #AACR18

9:33am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Stumpe: So bring AI to the microscope: from image to compute calc probabilities and output to display overlay. User can see AR image #AACR18

9:32am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Stumpe: A new microscope: scanners are $, IT infrastructure, disruptive to existing workflows, not all clinical needs addressed #AACR18

9:31am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Hipp: Onto Gleason grading Prostate Ca scoring 1-5, 3/4 and 4/5 are where subjectivity enters in (shows results from 8 pathologists) #AACR18

9:28am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Hipp: Showed a time savings of 32%; and reduced error by 30%. #AACR18

9:26am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Hipp: Asked pathologists to highlight, and cp to AI result. Feasibilty study: 6 pathologists w/70 samples, 24 neg, 14 micromet, 14+ #AACR18

9:26am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Stumpe: tile image into ~1M tiles; binary classify, use Inception v3. Similar to image recognition for identifying dogs in images #AACR18

9:23am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Stumpe: 15Gb pixels - ~1000 DSLR photos. 100k x 100k pixels. Google has AI expertise; TensorFlow, mapping, cars. #AACR18

9:22am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Stumpe: Detection is hard due to germinal centers, macrophages, that mimic tumor appearance. Shows similarity between them #AACR18

9:21am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Stumpe: Looking at metastases in lymph nodes in breast cancer - a needle in a haystack. Image is 150K x 90k pixels. Tumor 1300x300 #AACR18

9:20am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Stumpe: Detecting metastatic br ca in lymph nodes w/AI; AI-based PrCa Gleason grading; an a new instrument. #AACR18

9:19am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Jason Hipp, Martin Stumpe (Google CA) Advancing cancer diagnostics with artificial intelligence #AACR18

9:18am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: #AACR18 What we need from oncology: we need 'gold-std databases' AI cannot work with poor-quality data.

8:54am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: #AACR18 But you need to have the right question. Also information theory: the nature of information. Information is not data.

8:52am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: #AACR18 Big data - volume, velocity, volume, and major data types are increasing. The future is deep learning, machine learning, AI

8:52am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: Occur in 3D space over time; biomarkers must reflect complex contexts at different scales over time #AACR18

8:47am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: #AACR18 Cancer a complex system, produce emergent properties like metastasis. Chemical, virus, hormone, nutrition: mutations accum.

8:44am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: ImmunoRx - shows Wagle slide - resistance evolution. Complex adaptive systems; robust, evolvable, adaptable all interacting #AACR18

8:43am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: #AACR18 The future: if each pt is unique, 'malignant snowflakes': each cancer carries multiple unique mutations

8:42am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: #AACR18 Stds / evidence 'needed at each step'. Three pathways through regulatory approval: scientific comm consensus; drug-spec dev

8:41am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: 'Lack of data stds is killing us' Pipe: early discoery, translatable disc, assay dev, assay perf, biomarker qual, validation #AACR18

8:41am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: Inadequate exp design; poor quality specimens; lack of tech stds; poor quality data/lack of data stds; inadquate analytics #AACR18

8:39am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: #AACR18 The org: mission: for biomarker discovery. 6 'showstopping barriers' - lack of clin relevent Q's

8:39am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: Ameneble to dev into simple-to-use tech; cost-effective; must fit easily into flow to clin care. NBDA non-profit setup #AACR18

8:37am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: Why biomarkers fail: integrative to address complexity; adaptive to track dynamic nature; ubiquitous; simple; sample-frienly #AACR18

8:37am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: If we had high value, biologically and clin relevant biomarkers - smarter study design, less time, fewer volunteers needed #AACR18

8:36am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: Oncology clinical trials: massive attrition, long duration, high costs. 10,000:1 chance of success; 12-15y, $2B #AACR18

8:35am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: 150K claimed biomarkers; est 100 biomarkers routinely used. ref '11 CDx - not many. Proteins: 1/yr #AACR18

8:34am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: Now allowed subtypes, major pathways, and a starting place to understand how pathways interact. But treatment hasn't changed #AACR18

8:33am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: Shows image from first GBM TCGA paper - the kind of science that changes the world. GBM - complex and deadly. #AACR18

8:32am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: Patient volumes can approach 1000 PB per year at maturity. $500. Or lower now. 'The data is the best we've ever had.' #AACR18

8:31am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: Now with the 'Omics revolution': she started TCGA, after HGP now dominating all of our thinking. In the millions of WGS #AACR18

8:30am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: BP correlates well with CV health/disease status; easy and inexpensive to assess. Low vs high risk of CV event #AACR18

8:29am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: Blood pressure is an ideal biomarker: it measures the integrated expression of a complex, adaptive system. Quantitative info #AACR18

8:28am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: Woodcock quote: 'Why can't you tell me if my medicine is working? ...Biomarkers are the key tools that we need' 2014 NBDA #AACR18

8:27am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: Clinically useful biomarkers are almost always complex; biology is complex. Biomarkers have 'incredible potential'. #AACR18

8:26am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: The FDA doesn't care if it's a 'black box' - as long as it is consistent, prognostic etc. #AACR18

8:25am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: Imaging: the best biomarkers we have right now (MRI, CT, FDG-PET). Complex biomarkers are informed algorithms. The Future #AACR18

8:25am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: Precision medicine has moved along b/c NGS has been getting better; proteomics 'has not done well at all' #AACR18

8:24am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: Safety con't: b/c we lack toxicity biomarkers. Some biomarker 'classes' - Genomics produces biomarkers, GEx, proteomics... #AACR18

8:24am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: Pharmacodynamic - probably the most impt, the biol response following Rx intervention. Safety - we often overtreat... #AACR18

8:23am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: Cancer biomarkers can be classified according to their clinical utilty; disease risk, Dx, monitoring, prognostic, predictive #AACR18

8:22am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: Precision - 'we've lost, in terms of biomarkers...' Fit for Purpose: FDA term, defines the context of use. ROC - familiar #AACR18

8:22am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: The value of biomarkers often lie in ability to meet criteria 'defined by the following...' (long list - Sens, Spec...) #AACR18

8:20am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: #AACR18 (I believe she quoted from this BEST document via FDA: ) Prentice criteria from '89

8:20am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: With immunoRx, checkpoint inh are only one piece of a complex system... '15 FDA redefined definition of a biomarker #AACR18

8:17am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Barker: 10y at the NCI, headaches of biomarkers; 'today, the truth is we have almost none'. Alt title 'looking in the wrong places' #AACR18

8:16am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Anna Barker (Arizona State Univ) Cancer Biomarkers - Moving from Promise to Reality #AACR18

8:14am April 16th 2018 via Hootsuite

Ladas: Detecting MSI via PCR generate 'stutter peaks'. So the DSN (duplex-spec nuclease) method digests dsDNA pref over ssDNA, muts #AACR18

5:39pm April 15th 2018 via Hootsuite