Q: Diff pipelines give diff numbers? Riaz: Yes it has to be locked down, to get relative numbers correct #AACR18

9:36pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Peters: Neon, Gritstone, IVC (?) three companies pursuing personal neoAg Rx #AACR18

9:35pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Peters: '18 Science review https://t.co/uZYedZQlEn Synthetic peptides, synthetic RNA, all in comb w/I-O Rx #AACR18

9:33pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Peters: Vaccines based upon neoAg: clinical activity of vaccine '17 Nature https://t.co/R7RTHMkfsV 6 ptx w/20 neoAg #AACR18

9:32pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Peters: Finishes with TMB and candidate neoantigen burden. Figu from '15 Science https://t.co/AlDHrqkMEY #AACR18

9:29pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Peters: "Data across testing platforms must be harmonized" to correlated targeted panels to TMB from WES #AACR18

9:28pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Peters: concl: targeted NGS a reasonable proxy, but not designed/optimized for this purpose. Genes more likely to be mutated #AACR18

9:27pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Peters: Also localization affects how much ctDNA available to look at. #AACR18

9:27pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Peters: Shows nice correlation plot NEJM https://t.co/BaJAoDZW0j TMB and ctDNA: not well correlated b/c: tumors shed differently #AACR18

9:26pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Peters: CheckMate -227: will be presented here at #AACR18 (Monday). 10 mut /MB by FMI improves OS

9:24pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Peters: Applying TMB for chemo - no signal there. Applying TMB for MSK-IMPACT: sees that it works (400 genes) #AACR18

9:23pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Peters: #AACR18 Large panels will be required; 50 genes won't cut it. '16 Genome Med https://t.co/KamdIvhzke

9:21pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Peters: But can't be reduced to small number of genes; reducing coverage will lose correlation. Min set? #AACR18

9:20pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Peters: Staring from a dataset "comprehensive cancer panel' from TMO, QIAGEN, Roche, TST170: 'Oncomine may replace the need for WES' #AACR18

9:19pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Peters: #AACR18 Shows fig from '15 https://t.co/dBW0OaKWUx w/correlation to FMI to their in-house dev panel

9:18pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Peters: Can targeted be a proxy for WES to measure TMB? https://t.co/fa0EIOYrdW #AACR18

9:17pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Peters: Keynote 12, 28: mut load assoc'd with response and PFS across tumors w/Pembro. #AACR18

9:16pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Peters: CheckMate -026, mut burden Ipi + Nivo in melanoma has much higher OS. Onto Urotheliar cancer. #AACR18

9:14pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Peters: Melanoma and Lung cancers as proof of concept: Mut burdent sig correlates w/frontline Nivo activity in NSCLC #AACR18

9:12pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Solange Peters (Lausanne Univ Hosp CH) The next wave of progress: TM and MSI/MMR as biomarkers #AACR18

9:10pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Riaz: And MMR - leads to very high mutational burden. Shows IGV of example of MSI; '15 NEJM https://t.co/IVHWUZ8SoL #AACR18

9:04pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Riaz: Clonality, HLA genotyping, and neoantigen predictions will be helping in the future as biomarkers for response #AACR18

9:02pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Riaz: #AACR18 Science '18 ref https://t.co/KgzkK06drl Germline can influence immune recognition, also looked at LOH events' impact on OS

8:58pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Riaz: Three HLA Class I (A/B/C), highly polymorphic, most of us have 6; but 25% of us have only 5 or 4 (!) Exome data: worse OS #AACR18

8:57pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Riaz: #AACR18 What's next? Swanton's calc '16 Science https://t.co/fJqlH1Ntf5 a clonal mutation load - the neoantigen drivers w/T-cell recog

8:53pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Riaz: #AACR18 What is the threshold for TMB? Different studies, different numbers. Pan cancer biomarker, and thresholds are in flux.

8:51pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Riaz: #AACR18 Shows nice figure from '17 NEJM https://t.co/ZQWiVtLQpX response rate to PD-L1 inhibition

8:50pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Riaz: Higher mutation burden assoc'd with improved survival, pan-cancers #AACR18

8:49pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Riaz: Shows OS curves for >25, 14-24, <14 for TMB values. Shows two other OS curves: "Predictive, not prognostic" #AACR18

8:49pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Riaz: Reviews CLIA-certified targeted panel sequencing: need to correlate panel w/WES. MSK-IMPACT data and FMI shown #AACR18

8:47pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Riaz: Then vaccinated w/antigens; if mutations increase neoantigens should increase resp to Rx. #AACR18

8:44pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Riaz: Resp to Anti-PD-1/CTLA-4 by neoantigens shown in mouse model. Det 66 epitopes from mouse models, ID'd 2 Ag: mLama4 mAlg #AACR18

8:43pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Riaz: Shows mutations and immune response figure from '14 Nature Rev Cancer https://t.co/rCDLsnlAma Tumor vs self #AACR18

8:42pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Riaz: Cancer as a genetic disease: from pre-cancer to cancer developing add'l mutations. How could it be foreign if self-derived? #AACR18

8:40pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Nadeem Riaz (MSKCC NY) MMR/MSI and TMB as biomarkers #AACR18

8:38pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Powles: Results seem Ab-, Rx-, disease-, and disease-setting specific. Pt selection impt #AACR18

8:25pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Powles: Concl: no consistency; there are five approaches. PD-L1 is significant as a biomarker but inconsistent, not easily explained #AACR18

8:24pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Powles: TMB is a consistent marker, refers to his '18 Lancet https://t.co/X1gUruhXJg #AACR18

8:23pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Powles: Unlikely to get cures in adv metastatic setting; it is earlier in disease, neoadjuvant setting NEJM https://t.co/u4b9V8aumW #AACR18

8:22pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Powles: Combo Rx in melanoma CheckMate 067: Nivo+Ipi vs Nivo alone vs Ipi alone. However: doesn't seem to work in other ca's (lung) #AACR18

8:20pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Powles: Is it possible that tissue prior to most recent Rx is more represented than treated tissue? #AACR18

8:19pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Powles: CheckMate 214: Nivo + Ipi vs Sunitinib in RCC: OS by tumor PD-L1 expr. The biomarker behaves diff between f… https://t.co/1Oj0EQLNwl

8:18pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Powles: "It is consistently inconsistent. It makes me nervous about the future." #AACR18

8:17pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Powles: Compares KEYNOT-045 vs -052, pt-refractory vs front-line: inconsistency witht he biomarker with the same drug and assay #AACR18

8:16pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Powles: (The presentation and webcast can be accessed afterwards here: https://t.co/y0w68bsShD ) #AACR18

8:15pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Thomas Powles (Barts Cancer Inst): The beginning: Immuno-Oncology landscape and the role of PD-1 #AACR18

8:11pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

Headed to Chicago for #AACR18 today with @Pillar_Bio - if any friends or acquaintances want to meet in-person feel free to DM me anytime.

1:38pm April 14th 2018 via Hootsuite

For Cancer Drugs, Will Monday's Data Be As Good As It Gets? #AACR18 | Forbes https://t.co/kiAob7aq4F

2:23pm April 13th 2018 via Hootsuite

Not quite healthy, not quite sick, women at risk of hereditary cancer can 'fall through the medical cracks' LA Times https://t.co/l9SlKbQjKT

5:40pm April 8th 2018 via Hootsuite