Why Eating Insects Is an American Tradition - Gastro Obscura https://t.co/soLlo3ARKo
4:25pm April 8th 2018 via Hootsuite
Great to see a large @NIH and @IRPatNIH presence here at #scifest today! Great work! Here looking at veins and meas… https://t.co/4CpjNZHFoP
1:33pm April 8th 2018 via Hootsuite
Excited to be at #scifest this morning at the Washington DC convention center https://t.co/oF5d6ixE6S
10:02am April 8th 2018 via Hootsuite
Bhattacharjee: The sounds, the smells, of a lost industry. The reader can then be more invested in the story #dcswa18 #scicomm
4:43pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Bhattacharjee: The reporter went to old fisherman, gotten much deeper stories from the same source #dcswa18 #scicomm
4:42pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Bhattacharjee: A cod fishery story: and another did the same story on the same person, he did 1d, the reporter a week #dcswa18 #scicomm
4:41pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Bhattacharjee: Wrote in '06 about time perception; Eagleman the researcher had a personal incident affecting his work #dcswa18 #scicomm
4:40pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Bhattacharjee: Opportunities, and challenges: you can get invested in the story, but it takes lots of work! #dcswa18 #scicomm
4:38pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Bhattacharjee: Sent to LA to cover a scientists' screenwriter's workshop: heard 2d of narrative arcs #dcswa18 #scicomm
4:37pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Bhattacharjee: Long features: there was suspense, propulsion, sth as narrative. Characters to anchor #dcswa18 #scicomm
4:35pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Yudhijit Bhattacharjee (freelance, formerly from AAAS '03): discovered a state of 'order'; why don't I want to read… https://t.co/Dr6dt0yWgP
4:34pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Ambrogio: Often many stories require literal travels. Rite of passage or origin stories are also good ones for scientists. #dcswa18 #scicomm
4:25pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Olivia Ambrogio (Amer Geophysical Union) Often finds scientists have difficulty visualizing any story or structure #dcswa18 #scicomm
4:20pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
RT @AcademiaObscura: #Science https://t.co/10G2uNdDps
4:20pm April 7th 2018 via Hootsuite
Waldrop: A natural way to bring in backstory, context: where did this research question come from? #dcswa18 #scicomm
4:11pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Narrative storytelling panel: Mitch Waldrop (DCSWA board member): use it b/c we are built to hear stories #dcswa18 #scicomm
4:07pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Treat: Many stories don't lend themselves to photography. Did something w/art for evolution. #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:44pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Treat: Shows genetics from Africa (Sarah Tishkoff from UPenn); simplified it as a timeline. #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:43pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Treat: Shows graphic of convergence of diets; showed simplified version of neat infographic. #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:42pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Treat: Metaphor of jet engine w/cheetah graphic. Decoding: illus CRISPR, 'how to hack DNA' https://t.co/58hdNpc3fy #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:40pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
RT @Tenacious_She: Great photo timing, but Bill Douthitt of @sciencemagazine doesn’t recommend taking a photo while driving on the beltway.…
3:38pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Jason Treat (Graphics editor, Nat'l Geo) Was at The Atlantic before. 17K word opus! Visually: use metaphors #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:37pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Douthitt: You'll become more capable - the picture will come with your story. #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:35pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Douthitt: Panning - only 1/10 is useful, and takes practice. Simple ideas. Are you a writer b/c you buy a pencil? #dcswa18 #scicomm
Douthitt: Panning - you look like an idiot -but powerful. Organizing the photo - makes it bigger, becoming huge #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:34pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Douthitt: Lowering exposure, a simple technique that makes a big difference. #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:33pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Douthitt: Two techniques: iPhone control, used all the time. Square on the bright part, take the sun adj down exposure #dcswa18 #scicomm
Douthitt: Now onto objects: showing effect of lighting. Behind? Above? "Made the cover of Science" #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:32pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Douthitt: Used panning, made it to the cover of Science, with an iPhone. Birthday - a panning shot #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:29pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Douthitt: First boat in Netherlands, a guide of reconstructed church. Got in before it rained. #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:28pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Douthitt: (This talk is great as he practices what he's an expert in, taking great photos for publication.) #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:27pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Douthitt: Parked in front of the Capitol: nice shot but describes difficulty of being there at the right time #dcswa18 #scicomm
Douthitt: For an event: March for science, a crowd, lots of signs. What's the goal? Show DC (somehow) #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:25pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Douthitt: Different wall - neutral - decent indirect light. Points out the angle=perspective (angry subject) #dcswa18 #scicomm
Douthitt: Now in the shade: lit by reflection. Closer, looks better, but background too reflective. Then indoors #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:23pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Douthitt: Summarizing: composition, light, color, timing: what makes a picture. For a portrait: no overhead light #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:22pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Douthitt: In HI at a tidal pool, found a nice wave shot. Or a car on fire (!). #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:21pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Douthitt: Shows a shadowed individual w/primary on the rear. 7) Timing. You know what's going to happen... #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:19pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Douthitt: Or filtered light, use it. 6) Color. Pastels, primaries, provide focus, mood, information. #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:18pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Douthitt: Or repetition (Regal theatre lights). 6) (2nd element) Light. Source, direction, intensity. Or lack of light #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:17pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Douthitt: So you'll need four things for a photo: 5) composition. Using foreground. Bird of paradise plant. #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:16pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Douthitt: 3) make sure the picture include >only< what interests you. You don't need a fancy camera. #dcswa18 #scicomm
Douthitt: Our eyes may focus on the face, the camera sees all the junk and noise in background. #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:15pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Douthitt:1) know what you want to say 2) know the diff betw. what you see and what the camera sees #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:14pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Douthitt:Contrast between photos: what do you want to say? And basic elements. How you see the world. #dcswa18 #scicomm
Douthitt: Same person, two weeks apart, same shirt(!) Researching magnetic sensitivity in humans. #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:13pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Bill Douthitt (Photography managing editor at Science) If you can't find picture for a story, or the photo unusable #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:11pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Jellani: Google Images: NO. Not accurate, and Not free. Where free exists: educate yourself. #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:07pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Jellani: Put the most compelling image up-front. "You need them to engage." 60% impressions made thru visuals #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:05pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client
Jellani: Ask photo researchers at agencies (Getty, Science Source, Nature Picture Library). "What is best for this?" #dcswa18 #scicomm
3:03pm April 7th 2018 via Twitter Web Client