
The Fluidigm C1™ Single Cell Auto Prep System 1

Every human being came from a single cell. While that fact may not be so obvious in our day-to-day routine, the power of a single cell is observed with the burst of research activity in stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells (and also see the Nobel Prize winner for […]

Single molecule in-situ RNA startup Advanced Cell Diagnostics

FFPE (Formalin-fixed paraffin embedded) tissues are standard preparations in the clinical world. It has been estimated that there are millions of FFPE samples stored in countless hospital laboratories and research pathology groups, all part of a standard operating procedure among pathologists and other hospital personnel. These tissue samples are embedded […]

Is there room for 90 providers of genomics software? 2

“Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools of thought contend”, Mao once said during the Revolutionary Days of 1957. Now in the middle of a genomics revolution, it feels that way in the market for genomics software to analyze next-generation sequencing data. New companies are being formed, large […]

Sequencing the Immune Repertoire (T-Cell Receptor genes) 2

Immunology is a fascinating subject. Immense in its complexity, debilitating when the immune system malfunctions, our ability to fend off bacterial and viral infection, cancers of different types, and other foreign invaders is a remarkable biological capability. The NIH estimates 24M Americans are affected with an autoimmune disorder, but that […]