Dale Yuzuki

About Dale Yuzuki

A sales and marketing professional in the life sciences research-tools area, Dale currently is employed by Olink as their Americas Field Marketing Director. https://olink.com For additional biographical information, please see my LinkedIn profile here: http://www.linkedin.com/in/daleyuzuki and also find me on Twitter @DaleYuzuki.

The age of mRNA isoform discovery at #AGBT19

Single-cell isoforms from long-reads take the stage at the Advances for Genome Biology and Technology, along with structural variation and better reference genomes. Underlying all these advances is better long-read technology from Pacific Biosciences and Oxford Nanopore. Thinking a little further about the overarching theme of this year’s Advances in […]

Nabsys 2.0 Single Molecule Mapping

Structural variation in genomics is a challenging task. To detect inversions, large deletions (by ‘large’ this is generally defined to be anything more than 50 bases or so), large insertions, and translocations in the genome takes a lot of creative alignment algorithms and hard work. Also you need to orthogonally […]

List of applications on the Nabsys 2.0 HD-Mapping Platform

DNAfeed – AI-assisted Genetic Counseling on-demand

Pharmacogenetics, cancer genetics, cardiac genetics, WGS… AI-aided genetic counseling for healthcare organizations and genetic testing companies Artificial Intelligence (AI) is gaining in the popular consciousness. Last week, the White House announced The American AI Initiative with new investment, government AI R&D resources opened up, establishing AI governance and emphasizing education […]

Detecting cancer four years before conventional diagnosis

Announcing a big move for Dale affecting his family, his employer, his colleagues, and his friends Note: This article originally appeared on LinkedIn. The magic wand of early detection Several years ago at a meeting with sales management, someone asked a provocative question: “If you had a magic wand, what […]

The Agile R100 handheld reader

The next leap in Personalized Medicine will be advances in sensor technology like Cardea

Can a graphene biosensor company like Cardea Biosciences play a role in making P4 medicine (predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory medicine) a reality? Lee Hood’s vision for P4 medicine It was about six years ago I attended a Personalized Healthcare conference at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond Virginia, where Leroy […]